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Hi, I'm sick.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Reider, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    You can just call me Reider though.

    I've got this nifty part in my head that's so full of some unusual liquid that it's overflowing down every hole in my head that it can and I've been coughing up gunk. Mondays rock.

    When's the last time any of you guys were sick? We can share our tales of misery. :D
  2. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I haven't been ill, as such, in years. Though, I do suffer from Phlegm, inability to breath through one nostril and sinus headaches. I sometimes get what I feel is a cold. But it's just backed up gunk in my head from the Phlegm. Yeah, tis cool.
  3. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    i suffer from hyperhidrosis meaning that i sweat a looottt but i don't care about though...
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I remember once I had pus or something coming out of my ears.Eww.
    And I can't forget the time I burned my leg against an exhaust pipe >.<
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I did for years, and the doctors refused to believe anything was wrong with me. By the time mum found a doctor that believed her, it was too late to save my hearing.

    Otherwise, im rarely ill, but I do suffer from headaches occasionally. I also have no sense of smell and an inability to breathe through my nose.
  6. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    I mostly just having the usual Cold or Flu for sickness though.
    Never have some serious one, except maybe for Chickenpox, but most people had them though.

    There was some accidents though, where some part near my eyebrow need to be sewed.
  7. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    I have these symptoms also.
    Although since i smoke, i have a suspicion that it can play a big part in my excessive Phlegm.
    Not really an illness, but i've been there too.
    I had three bike accidents, in all of them, i hurt my right knee (you could see the bone).
    In the last one though, besides hurting my knee, the bike fell on my leg, and i didn't even notice the exhaust pipe until i had a burn from my ankle to my thigh.
    It hurt...a lot!
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    where i work with children and teenagers and have a 4 year old son i am forever ill with some sort of bug winter being the worst time of year for it.

    i'm dripping with snot at the moment.
  9. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    At the moment I have a cold which isn't something I usually get... Oh and I have Tuberculosis.. Results came back positive (dorment) this morning.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    All you need is some major vacation time with a beautiful & sultry por... err lovely lady by your side & you're soon back to punching people in the face Reider :)

    I've had Typhoid fever back in high school.
  11. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member


    I'm immune to disease
  12. bidels

    bidels Well-Known Member

    I have never had chicken pox before.... only colds really. Though I have this strange clicking in my hip when I walk.... only sometimes now but still when I walk I hear this clicking coming from my hip.... anyone know what it is?
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    it's just growth, it will stop in a week or so.
  14. bidels

    bidels Well-Known Member

    I've had it for years
  15. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    could be loose cartilage then... i have the same problem with my ankle.
  16. bidels

    bidels Well-Known Member

    I've tried going to a doctor.... they couldn't get it to even click so i think they thought I was lying...

    What should I do? Do you know?
  17. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Can be gas being released from the joints. My knees click over and over, and that's what a physiotherapist told me about my knees. I just take a capsule of fish oil a day -- hasn't done anything, though.
  18. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    i haven't been sick in the longest while...few years maybe.

    being sick o rather getting sick is all about mind over matter...
    i'm not really the healthiest person around but anytime i think i'm feeling something coming on i just tell myself that it'll disappear tomorrow and it usually does :p

    it's what i believe and it's what works for me :p
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Christ Reider, I thought you were tougher than that. I'm never sick, I kick the shit out of germs.
  20. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member
