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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by buratitat25, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. buratitat25

    buratitat25 Member

    hi guys. i would just like to seek assistance. I am a new player of pokemon bw2 and i tried to run a patch for anti piracy code. i was able to play the game but the color of the background is all blue. the environment, grass, buildings are all blue except for the npcs and the character. in battle and indoor stuff colors are correct. can you please help me with this concern? thank you very much.

    example of the image


    check the top screen. thanks.
  2. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    What emulator are you using? Perhaps its a setting adjustment in the emulator?
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Easier to help if you tell us;
    1. Which PKM BW 2 region you are using?
    2. What emulator you are using?
    3. Any cheat codes in use? Mention them if yes.
    4. When did you start noticing the indigo color issue?
    5. Which file patcher did you use?

    etc. list whatever you feel might help us help you troubleshoot your problem.
  4. buratitat25

    buratitat25 Member

    thanks for the guidelines.

    I'm using pokemon white US. as for the emulator, i am hoping that i could use no$gba 2.6 a without no$zoomer but only with no$zoomer set to ex5 lets me play the game.. I got the pre patched rom in this link (I dont know if link posting s allowed. please bear with me) http://turbobit.net/ysxg99ql353h/PKM_White_2_U_Patched.rar.html so i do not actually know what kind of patches have been inserted. the welcome page said it was applied exp and ap but I am still actually using an anti piracy action replay code. after you first get out of the house, it is already blue colored. dont know what to do exactly. if my posts break any rules please inform me so i could edit it. thanks. :)
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Don't worry, so far you haven't broke any rules.

    Were you playing at night? Try also checking your NO$GBA SETUP under OPTIONS, check the GBA MODE and SOLAR SENSOR LEVEL, try toggling those 2. Maybe will solve your problem. Also, you can't play on NO$GBA alone, must go through NO$Zoomer. No$GBA been abandoned for some year already. You could get better result playing on the latest DeSmuMe SVN JIT. But if you want to stick to zoomer, try cross-check setting with this tutorial : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=60304.0.
  6. buratitat25

    buratitat25 Member

    thank you sir. as you can see on the screen shot, it was like 3:12 in the afternoon when i was playing. i am actually playing it on no$zoomer as of the moment and i already tried toggling with the no$zoomer setup. still no luck. I think it is the rom because i played pokemon white and soulsilver but all of it were normal. this just happened on the white 2. if you want to download the rom i already posted it on the thread. thank you
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Have you tried using other copy of the patched rom. Or maybe download a clean/unpatched rom and do the patching yourself using DS-SCENE ROM TOOL. Maybe it's a glitch with the copy you got at the moment.
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    A Clean ROM might be good to try, maybe bad coding in the patched ROM you are using clashing with the AR code.

    Are maybe try open GL are Dirext X render on no$gba and no$zoomer settings.

    see if no cash render is set on no$gba and not open GL and no$zoomer set on dirextX
  9. buratitat25

    buratitat25 Member

    hi guys. sorry for the late update. I tried flicking with the settings like directx and the no$gba settings but still no luck. I also downloaded a copy of a clean rom and still the same. i still becomes blue after choosing the name of the character and rival. then the mom will like walk to the house and leaves are blown to the player's house. the screen fades to black and then when it regains picture... BOOM! the indigo color of the environment happens. :(
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    How is you're PC graphics card ?