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Hi all.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Fleepits72, Jul 29, 2007.

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  1. Fleepits72

    Fleepits72 Member

    Just want to say hi to all, and what a great site this is, thanks to all who put it together, theres alot of help here, for an oldie game player, but new to experimenting, WINKS, Just wanna say, Excellent, what a tops site. :)
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you for the kind words. :)
  3. Fleepits72

    Fleepits72 Member

    No probs, you all deserve it :)
  4. Phreak Hacker

    Phreak Hacker Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Romulation Fleepits; I guess I don't have to thank you for your words of congratulation since Seph's already done so.

    Hope you enjoy a multitude of good times here... and don't be afraid to ask questions or just participate in a random discussion every now and then.

    Oh and uh... to get in good with Seph, you could try complimenting him every once in a while. As for our other admin, loonylion, who's currently on vacation, just tell him you like lions. =D
  5. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    Welcome, and enjoy!

    "Seph is as cool as a lion."

    That pretty much sums it up. :D
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    and about as lazy as one too :p
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