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HG/SS CycloDS fix.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by thewurdz, Mar 15, 2010.

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  1. thewurdz

    thewurdz Member


    Said to work for some people.

    Edit: someone please try this firmware and confirm i am not a troll :) thank you

    Edit2: Still no one believes? Oh well... I wouldn't either but this is really working. So say the people form forum that i found this link in.
  2. Perturabo

    Perturabo Member

    I'll download and try it. I'm at 3 badges now and it's starting to freeze more and more with beta 1.

    Edit: I just noticed the NO MORE POKEMON THREADS topic. Sorry if I'm contributing to the problem. I'll PM the major thread if it works.
  3. thewurdz

    thewurdz Member

    Major thread is closed. And the no$ one is still open so if it works it will stay open so no harm done probably.
  4. Qtis

    Qtis Member

    Indeed has been said to work and some have gone up to the 8th Gym without problems (freezing that is). So I guess the CycloDS Evo has full support on the SS/HG games. Interesting isn't it :p

  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I've beaten the entire game with 1.58b1.

    I'll test this out to see if it freezes.
  6. FantasyFan

    FantasyFan Member

    I tried PMing them a while back, I guess they haven't had a chance to get online yet.
  7. Perturabo

    Perturabo Member

    I just played a bit over 3 hours in one 'sitting'. I shut the DS and let it sit while I took a break for about 20 minutes (with B1 this made it freeze before). I beat the first gym and stopped as soon as I got to Azelia Town, no problems, no freezing.

    So, with B1, it froze at least a couple times up to that point. The problems seemed to be worked out with B2 then, as I've had no freezing. Yes its still early, but I'll report back as I get farther.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I entered and exited buildings for 5 minutes. No freezes. 20 minutes later and still not one freeze. I think we finally found our answer.

    Thank God I bought a CycloDS...
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    It's been added to the sticky topic.
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