He is in this forum and hes advertising romulation! Cool
I think it's cool that seph can advertise RomUlation on other forum sites like that, just hope we can do the same, I mean wouldn't it be great if you could do that on say your myspace account??
Yeah thats true... lol, I joined on that forum too with the same name DragonQuester I also put that romulation sig on
Hope the Admins & moderators won't mind 'cause I placed a link to RomUlation on my Friendster account, if you look at my profile you'll see in my shout out "Living the gamer's life:
As long as you don't go against the site's rules or spam then you can advertise where ever you want for all I care.
lol seph isnt the only one who advert the site lol well i dont know maybe some members here help the forum too im helping too which is i have my own indie game company non profit for free gaming and stuff yeah helping is fun lol