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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by equitypetey, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't know if anyone has seen it but there is a tv series called heroes and its awesome i've seen the first series and just seen the first episode of the second series. it got me thinking and i have some questions for u people

    number 1) if u could have any power what would it be

    number 2) who is the best hero and why(e.g. marvel DC caracters u know well known ones)

    number 3)if u had ur power would u use it for good or evil

    number 4)what would u be called and what would u wear. "and yes u have to wear a costume"

    u can't have the power to have any power (thats not fair its stupid ur just a bully, no one likes a bully)
    and in no way sape or form is super man a choice as he was never given a certain power the comics just added a new power he had every time he needed to do something new, so is the bully choice of heroes.
    so NO super man unless u can come up with a valid reason
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    easy, I would have the power to change into and converse with animals, then I can do anything by just changing into the most adapted animal for what I need :D

    probably He-Man, cos I enjoyed those books as a kid

    I'd use my powers for good, definitely. Theres too much evil already in the world

    I'd be called the catspeaker cos people would only know that I can talk to cats, the rest of my abilities would be kept hidden

    I'd wear lion king t-shirts and nylon trousers :) oh, and cheap trainers :p
  3. eden2812

    eden2812 Well-Known Member


    1) Somewhere being invisible and going through walls.

    2) Warmachine maybe. He was so kick-ass in Marvel vs Capcom from such a long time ago ;D

    3) Evil of course. Its too quiet around these parts! ::)

    4) H-man. Hentai-man. Just kidding. Um. Inviso-bill (a cookie to those who know who I'm referencing). I'd wear... Normal clothes, except, my undewear is on the outside! No... thats just gross. Um. Shiney stuff ;D
  4. cwazycwis

    cwazycwis Member

    1)the power to make a cape go back at anytime and make really cool whooshing sound effects

    2)Link, well technically hes a hero, hes the Hero of Time, yeah well anyways i choose link because hes cool and doesnt do anything that the average hyrulian could do, plus he gets in the sack with zelda ;)

    3)i dont think my powers can be used for either :)

    4)I would be called cape-man and i would wear a cape, any maybe underwear depending on my mood 8D
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i am proud of u guys u have givin some choice answers and have made me lol and lol.
    keep them coming ;D