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Here it is! After a long wait!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by T-Dub, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Like the subject up above says! After a long wait, I'm here to post the first version of my Platinum hack; which I dub as Pokemon Platinum Plus!

    Anyways, if you played D/P Plus then you should know how to make your Pokemon evolve, just look for an older post of mines and see a full walkthrough of how Pokemon evolves. Though, I did changed the way Gligar evolve back to what it was at first, and that's holding the Razor Fang at night!

    In this game, some pokemon have new special ablities and types...Castform would be the best example for this change. Uhh....I did up-ed, with the exceptiong of Magikarp, the stats of every pokemon...I was trying to give the game a different change, that the reason for all these changes.

    I was trying to put the national dex on the game earlier, but everytime I tried I would fucked up the rom. *Groans* does...anyone know...Well, anyways... (look below)

    In my opinion, I think I did this one better than the other two.

    Anyways, here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?yq1cdmnjmii Just so you know, this game is in patch form! meaning that you have to patch it to a clean rom...so...yeah!

    Here's a small "What to expect" From me to youse!

    In this version, I changed some of the dialogue, mostly the menu, I did change some of the in game dialogue, but nothing too significant! There's a few random peoples with then the game that have new dialogue. I would did more, but I was on a dicey deadline! I had only until the 18th, cuz I have to spend christmas with my other family members....*YAWN* I know, I coulda wait, but I think it go enough for a version 1 release.

    The Pokemon in this learns slightly different moves than they did on Diamond Plus, like for example Gible evolution line can learn Magnitude and stuff. I changed just a few Pokemon's Abilites from what they had on Diamond Plus and Pearl.

    I edited very trainers you encounter in-game, including the stark mountain part. But like in Diamond Plus I'm not going to edited vs. seeker rematches...I can't remember what I gave the trainers and I really didn't feel like looking for them.

    The edited mostly all the Pokemon that appears in the wild, only thing I sorta missed out were the Pokemon that appears in the water, but not saying that I didn't edit it, it's just in random spots where the same water-dwelled pokemon still remains the same!

    I know how folks like having all regional starters on their hacks, so I also did the same...But they all won't be available at the beginning like most hack...They're all in different spots in the Sinnoh Region...I say the highest level one you could find is a lv35 Mudkip...Which lives inside the Great Marsh!

    Legendary Pokemon can only be caught after the beating the game for the first time. If you want to know where to find them...Well, just look at the walkthrough I spoke of earlier, I basically put them all in the same spot! I had completely forgot that on this game the 3 kanto birds roam freely, I had accidentally editted them the wild again and I was too lazy to take them off...so, yeh!

    I completely edited all the gym leaders, galactic commanders, cyrus, elite four etc. They all use different pokemon than they did on D/P Plus, well...sorta...Cynthia still has Garchomp and Cyrus still has his Weavile and Honckrow and Roark still has a Crandios! But, by now, I'm sure you get my point!

    Gym leaders, galactic commander and boss, alone with the pokemon league, they all hold wifi like items to make the game harder...And trust me...They're harder, I don't know how many time I blackout when I was testing it. The gym leaders pokemon level are between Roark's strongest one being on lv16 to Volkner's strongest being on lv68

    The Elite Four is the same...Their level various between Aaron's strongest Pokemon being at lv 70 to Cynthia's being at Lv79...Gotta keep'em close right. and trust me when I say; you won't be needing a Vs. Seeker, you're level will just be natural seeing how high the level the trainers and wild pokemon are on this hack!

    In my next version, I'm gonna try to change some of the pokemon sprite...well, soon as I learn how to. I was looking for was like, putting hg/ss sprites on there...I wonder if it's possible?

    I ain't saying my game is good as bloody platinum and Platinum Enhanced Version, but I still think it's worth looking at. :eek: So...Well, you please check it out? PLZ and THANK YOUSE!

    Alright then, later!
  2. Mind telling us about it in a little more detail? Thanks :)
  3. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry about that...It's not like me to not write a thoroughly understandable post! :-[ I was tired when I wrote that first post, it was like 3:00 AM when I posted it! But you're right, you-all, do deserve a better description and so I did gave you all one. ;D I hope this will be able cover up a few things.

  4. Sox

    Sox Member

    This looks good, might try it. And what do you mean by patch?
  5. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    this game is not in rom form, but patch!

    let me explain a little more, this hack can only work correctly, if it's patch onto a clean Pokemon Platinum rom. also it patch type is, gui, just so anybody was curious. I hope nobody have a problem with that.

    I even to the liberty in including a readme doc just in case somebody don't know how to patch properly!

    I hope that clears things up a bit!
  6. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    here's some footage of my hack game-it includes the only mayor dialogue change I had time to input. There's other dialogue change throughout the game, but nothing too serious! here the video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg8n4NAFyBo

  7. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Can someone upload a patched version, dunno how to patch and quite frankly, cbf learning.
  8. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    uh...I suppose I could make a pre-patched version, but it might take some time, before it's posted.
  9. airdash123

    airdash123 Well-Known Member

    Nicely done dude ;D

    Great share, i'll be sure to try this out ::)
  10. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    thanks...I'm glad to here that. I'm glad that you're giving the time to see what this game have to offer. that goes for anyone who already downloaded this.

    i'm still working on the pre-patch rom...but they're something wrong with my mediafire uploader, probably gonna have upload from 4shared...maybe!!!!
