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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by thomascryer, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    what am i doing wrong my son has just got a dsi xl with acekard 2i with latest akaio 1.8.8 think it is. im trying to put music on it now i know how to do it but it just aint working. even on my daughters the songs she had on there are now stuttering they were fine before but now u cant really listen to them

    i have put moonshell on it and i have got a folder for music now if i put a mp3 file in the music folder his dsi can see it u can click on it but its stuttering

    if i convert the same mp3 to aac format and put it in the music folder when u put it in the dsi u cant see it in the folder but when u put the sd card in the computer the song is there

    what am i doing wrong and has it been that u always have to convert to aac cause im sure i didnt do that before just put mp3's on it
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    moonshell probably can't play the aac format.
  3. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    right ok what else can i put on there
  4. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    mp3, dpg...
  5. thomascryer

    thomascryer Well-Known Member

    i meant anything else instead of moonshell my dsi just play music at the mo infact both of them dont
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Try LMP-ng homebrew v.1.0.2 for NDS Music Player. It's an IPOD clone for NDS.

    Source : http://www.ds-xtra.com/LMP-ng

    The download link is in that "source" webpage.

    Method for Installation is provided there as well. But you might want to also create a folder for the mp3 files to keep the SD Micro tidy. By the way, the "skin" can be change. The link for the alternative skins is there as well.

    Other homebrew download links : http://www.ndshb.com/cgi-bin/cfiles/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,3