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Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by drag0nbus7er, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. drag0nbus7er

    drag0nbus7er Member

    Ok i have a supercard dstwo, with a ez flash 3-1 card, i know the supercard already does emulation but, i need to know how to boot the ez flash card using the supercard,The SCDS2 site says just go to the system menu and boot from there but i do not see it anywhere. all i see are my icons for the ireader the gba emulator and my snes emulator nothing else, i know this is a noooby question but thanks in advanced for the help, pics are welcome.
    Post Merge: [time]1300392218[/time]
    never mind i didnt know you needed a special plugin, admins you can delete this.
  2. RoM-ee

    RoM-ee Well-Known Member

    there should be a plugin icon that lets you boot slot2