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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by oscarhirvonen, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. oscarhirvonen

    oscarhirvonen Active Member

    Hi everybody! I'm playing Pokémon heart gold right now and wanna know where i can train a Geodude. I'm only in violet city and i'm going to use Geodude as an HM slave. Can someone please tell me where to train it??
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Why would you need to train an HM slave? also.. this should be in Gaming Lounge.
  3. oscarhirvonen

    oscarhirvonen Active Member

    Cuz if my other pokémon faints i can use it?
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Isn't the point of the HM slave to learn HM moves that will help you throughout the game? I never knew it could be used for actual battle.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    It's helpful if you can use it in battle, though definitely not a necessity. Most people leave their HM slaves at the capture level and spend their time training battle pokemon.
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The only few powerful HM moves can't be learned by a Geodude anyway.
  7. oscarhirvonen

    oscarhirvonen Active Member

    I would like to call that wasting space in my party
  8. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Better then having your powerful pokemon have useless HM skills.
  9. oscarhirvonen

    oscarhirvonen Active Member

    You have a point
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Get a second geodude then.

    My hm slaves never left the box until needed, I prefer to have only one "battle ready" hm slave, and that would be the one that's learnt fly.

    And that would be the only HM on it.
  11. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    geodude is a bad HM slave.
    you should use Crabby
  12. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    it's kind of good use actually, you can put HM rocksmash, strength and rock climb,, while crabby to put surf, waterfall and whirlpool,,

    but you don't have to train it, honestly i never use the HM slave unless i really need it for story,,,, and i never let my battle pokemon to learn HM, except for surf, the other HM is kinda useless for battle,,,
  13. King Cookie

    King Cookie Well-Known Member

    If we're talking about the best HM slave, I just use two of my clones of my legit Mew. Perfection.
  14. basho1213

    basho1213 Well-Known Member

    use parasect
  15. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    i didn't eve know that there's something called the best HM slave,,, slave is a slave,, i never use them for battle anyway and i don't really care what kind of pokemon are they or at which level,,,
  16. King Cookie

    King Cookie Well-Known Member

    The only thing that really matters is if they can use 4 HMs or not, so that you don't need more then two in your party.