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Help with Wood R4

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by jequar, May 29, 2010.

  1. jequar

    jequar Member

    Guys Help, I am tearing my hair out,

    I have a Gold r4i card with v1.32b and the very latest usrcheat data.

    I need a step-by-step guide on how to put Wood R4 v1.08 on to the card and then make it work.

    What I have tried - 1) Removed all software from card and only loaded wood r4 - this obviously didn't work
    2) restored all v1.32b, dat file and usrcheat, and then added Wood r4v1.08 on to card.

    How do I activate Wood R4 ?

    My reason for doing this is that I am told that wood R4 will run games gold v1.32b will not, much like Akaio I have working on my Acekard.
  2. Halo-101

    Halo-101 Well-Known Member

    ur r4 is not original so ur only option is use wood r4 for clones v1.05 from coolkill3er i am a big follower of his and it has been known 2 do the trick (unsure about ur card) give it a go!

    http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39701 - download wood r4 for clones v1.5
  3. jequar

    jequar Member

    I'll try that thanks - all these combinations catching up slowly but surely.
    Post Merge: [time]1275141973[/time]
    Hi tried both versions from the link:

    first version 1.05 will run, and gives you choice of sd-card etc, when u choose sd-card a blank sub screen comes up and it just sits there forever.

    2nd version just white screens.

    Conclusion : Acekard with akaio seems to perform much much better.
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    if your card is a clone, dont use wood R4, becuase the version for clones is really buggy and not every game is supported, i would use ysmenu untill a newer wood R4 version comes out
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Wood R4 for clones is buggy, doesn't work well, and isn't really supported. If you don't have an original R4, or are lucky enough to have one of the very few clones that can run Wood R4, then it really isn't worth your time. At the moment, Wood can run a few games clean that even AKAIO can't.