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help with the edge cheats.dat,pls need your help!!!seriously

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by overheat007, Jun 27, 2009.

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  1. overheat007

    overheat007 Member

    guyz how do to use the edge cheat.dat for the edge card??where do you put it?do you need to change it to an nds document after extraction or just extact the file and paste it in the edge folder??

    im really cnfused by this cauze im having trouble getting it to work, i have done it at least 30 times with the correct instructions attached to the downloaded documant,but.....still it's not woking.pls i nedd help im a new EDGE user,all info is welcome,TY :) :)
  2. noitenshi

    noitenshi Well-Known Member

    Are you renaming the EDGEcheats.dat to just cheats.dat?

    And the file goes into the directory: G:\EDGE or whatever your drive is listed as.
  3. overheat007

    overheat007 Member

    yup i have done that,but still it didnt work,what should i do??
  4. noitenshi

    noitenshi Well-Known Member

    The only other thing I can think of is you might not have the option "cheats enabled' checked.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You might need to use usrcheat.dat.
  6. silarry80

    silarry80 Well-Known Member

    agree with white dragon. check the cheat setting
  7. overheat007

    overheat007 Member

    ive done that als but it doesnt work, i alays check my settings before anything else
  8. nathannath2424

    nathannath2424 New Member

    maybe you could try redownloading it
  9. DTheRPGFan657289

    DTheRPGFan657289 Well-Known Member

    I downloaded the 6/23 database update and even though all the games I have listed on the update are there, it gives me 'error cheat file not found' (in a sense) when I select the file and rebuild. It does give me the codes for some of my games, but for others...nothing. I have 'cheats enabled' on my end, and I'm running the USRCHEAT DAT file. Maybe it has something to do with my firmware. Cause I'm using a year old Acekard 2 that's running the 4.11 Acekard firmware update. Lately, the newer updates don't do squat for me.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The age of the cartridge shouldn't matter. 4.17 is the latest firmware. Try deleting some game entries out of the database using R4CCE.
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