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help with sd card/reader

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by simpson88, Apr 10, 2009.

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  1. simpson88

    simpson88 Member

    when i put my sd reader ith sd card (of course) in to my new lap top and try to move files and save files it wont let me do it.
    it says cannot read from the source file or disk
    can i fix this with out losing any files

    plz help any info needed just ask
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...prehaps it is partly corrupted-try using it in another pc-if you can transfer stuff to another pc but not your laptop then you know who to blame...

    But if the card is new or you had a back up then I would reformat just to avoid the hassle-I always backed up my roms-just wished I backed up the saves all that work wasted :(

    Also, did it work previosly-you DID mention it's a new laptop, and finnally did you pull out the card when

    -the contents are on the pc's display
    -when loading a game
    -when transferring something
    -when saving a game

    I've done that before, thought I would lose just the save...how wrong I was...
  3. simpson88

    simpson88 Member

    well i used it on my mums pc then i got my laptop it works fine on her pc anad i can dellet stuff when it in my partners phone and no i aint removed it only when it says it safe lol
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Try running chkdsk.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...is the OS the same as the laptop?

    When I swap my usb devices from OS to OS, it gives errors occasionally, you know Vista to XP...

    But yeah run chkdsk just to be sure.
  6. simpson88

    simpson88 Member

    dnt want 2 sound thick but whats chkdsk
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...to be honest not sure what that means, was half asleep when I answered...

    try this-if your os is windows xp or vista, right click on the drive on the memory card location (on the working pc you can access) and click on tools tab, find the option for check disc for errors (which is what Anandjones meant maybe) and if no errors show then somthing is up with your laptop...

    If thier is do what it ask-but back-up your files before you do so-I find if any of the files are corrupted they slow down or not copy at all durnig the transfer/copy process...

    Don't worry about not knowing something-we are here to help-plus I'm more a console gamer and barley know how to use a pc other than for net and word-so I know the feeling :)
  8. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I am sure you tired this already but make sure your sd card reader hasn't locked itself theres a little silde switch on the edge, some tend to slide when you insert them and if you are like me you don't pay attention until it starts acting up.
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Right click, Properties, Check Dislk.
  10. simpson88

    simpson88 Member

    cheers will do n let u knw how i get on with it cheers
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