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Help with R4I3DS flashcart please!

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by JenKevM, May 12, 2012.

  1. JenKevM

    JenKevM New Member

    The Basics: www.r4i3ds.com (the blue card with the cute puppy).. yeah I know, but that's what my daughter wanted. Downloaded firmware, moved to formatted sd card, comes up on DSi XL but jams on "Booting... Creating SYS" and when I created a Games folder to see if any roms would work it jammed on "Creating SAV file".

    The Rest: Daughter does not have a 3ds, I only bought this one because the website (price angels I think) stated it would also work on DSi, DSiXL, etc which my daughter does have.

    I've successfully used flashcarts in the past, managed to do the wii hack, etc but I have to have pretty detailed instructions, just not that techy. Needless to say I'm just not getting the instructions on the above site. After getting frustrated in January I gave up until now, when my daughter started pestering me again... :S If someone could help me I'd be greatly appreciative!
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Deleate .sav file it tryed to create, And try again maybe with diffrent game then, If not then maybe a good format of microSD chip might help and reinstall firmware.

    As you know it says : NDSI NDS/NDSL/NDSILL/NDSIXL / 3DS console <- meaning it should work on any of these following systems.

    (2012-05-08) seams to be updated not long ago... http://www.r4i3ds.com/en/down.asp
    Post Merge: [time]1336855498[/time]
    Re-Updated: 2012-05-12

    R4I3DS English-4.9 (2012-05-12)


    Updated: extinfo.dat / infolib.dat / savlib.dat all games upto date.

    Updated: r4patch.dat with fix for CWBP - 4778 Tracy Beaker The Game (E)

    Fixed saving in UZPJ - 5669 Battle and Get Pokemon Typing DS (J)

    EDIT: They where to laszy to update there own r4patch.dat xd.
  3. JenKevM

    JenKevM New Member

    I downloaded the file you listed... do I replace something with it, add it to the card, or just format it again and only place that file on it? I can say that so far I just added it and I'm still getting the creating sav file jam, if I don't create a save file it will still jam on booting creating sys. Uggh... I think she may be stuck with her previous cards.
  4. Mr.Heuristic

    Mr.Heuristic Active Member

    What is the website name on the r4i-3DS cart ????
    I may be then help you (Just making sure it's a genuine cart!!!)
    Then we can proceed with genuine help !! ??
  5. JenKevM

    JenKevM New Member

    It's the website listed above: www.r4i3ds.com Thanks again to anyone who can help.
  6. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    Did you use the Panasonic SDFormatter to format your card? if not then i suggest you try that
  7. Mr.Heuristic

    Mr.Heuristic Active Member

    http://www.r4i3ds.com/ . . . Is an R4i clone cart site
    the original is http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/downloade.asp

    Maybe your cart is a poorly supported clone ???
    That's why you are having problems at this most basic level