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help with pokesav for black and white

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by kosta032, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    when ever i edit my save with pokesav the game freezes with a white screens doesnt even load
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Here's the latest Pokesav for B/W from CloneCharizard, its version 0.04a:

    To try help you.
    1. You need to make sure your .sav file is the same name as your rom.
    2. Make sure to click SAVE not SAVE As each time you have edited your .sav file after using the POKESAV.
    3. Don't add any item that does not belong to B/W version. In another word, please first make sure that the thing you want to add into the B/W is first know useable in B/W, cause some items in the POKESAV could actually be meant for HG/SS.
    4. Make sure all HEX digits are correct. Hopefully you had not accidentally altered any digits that could cause the freeze.

    I hope my explaination make sense. Sorry if I can't be of much help.
  3. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    hey would adding a pikachu into my party be ok cause thats what im trying to do
  4. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    Have you obtained the National Dex? If not, your game may glitch.
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yes you can. But make a copy of your save file for safety before you start.

    You can copy a Pikachu, Shiny Pichu, Spike-Eared Pichu, Surf Pikachu, etc. All you need to do is LOAD the .PKM file in the Storage Box in Pokesav. Then you need to EDIT it.

    The general rule are: You can only bring the pokemon according to what level of gym badge you have. Otherwise it will not obey you. And avoid changing the default item it carry. Cause I tried changing the item and yes as Totallydood said it will glitch.

    Mainly the Pokemon Name, you can do the same for the 'original trainer name too' then press OK on the Edit page. Then press SAVE on the main PokeSav page.

    I recommend you add an event cerebi and crown entei. Those two will unlock special pokemon. Celebi to unlock Hiun City's hidden pokemon. While Entei will unlock Zoark. I saw these in another pokemon fan site, Youtube and an official Pokemon site, and its been confirmed to work. I moved 6 special event pokemon into my white.sav and no issues so far.- Sorry, I don't mean by pointing it out to be as a spoiler. -
  6. joey88

    joey88 Active Member

    There seems to be a problem when you add a new pokemon to your current party.
    Don't try adding it to your party, but add it to one of your storage boxes (e.g. Box 1) ;)

    There's one more thing: if you manually add the Pikachu (without using a .PKM file), you need to use the PID/IV button after editing the IV values. You can't just add any PID, it must be compatible with the IV's.
  7. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    i tried adding a copy of the pokemon i started of with in my pc and it still froze
    Post Merge: [time]1286097699[/time]
    i can change the amount of money i have
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Don't add the pokemon to your Party from inside the POKESAV.
    Save it into the STORAGE in POKESAV main menu.
    Use a .pkm file to load the pokemon into POKESAV.
    You can only add the pokemon to your Party from the Pokemon Centre's computer inside the game.

    Don't add the pokemon you just added into POKESAV into your party if your gym level is not yet able to use it.
    Yes, you can change the amount of money and items, etc. too using PokeSav. Remember to choose SAVE on the main page not SAVE AS.

    ------ Let me list out the steps to place a pokemon into your save: ------

    1. Run POKESAV B/W
    2. Click OPEN
    3. Find your .Sav file and choose OPEN
    4. If you want to change your character name; Click NAME, modify it (5-6 Characters).
    5. If you want to change your money; Click MONEY, modify it.
    6. If you want to add a pokemon; Click STORAGE EDIT
    7. In storage edit page, Click LOAD
    8. Find the .pkm file you want to use, Click OK
    9. Next choose EDIT for that pokemon you just added
    10. Change the NAME of the Pokemon (Maximum 6 digits for JPN ver.)
    11. Click INPUT OWN OT
    12. Click OK 2x
    13. Click SAVE on the main POKESAV menu
    14. Done

    You can add a pokemon into your party directly in POKESAV by doing these:
    1. LOAD .pkm file at the PARTY box
    2. Click EDIT, change the pokemon name and choose INPUT OWN OT
    3. Click OK
    4. At the PARTY box at the POKESAV main menu, change the PARTY AMOUNT to match the number of pokemon in your party. DONE

    Again remember, don't add a pokemon who's level is far above what your character's gym level is.

    You can change the ITEM BAG;
    1. Click EDIT on the item you want to edit
    2. Click NAME of the item, choose it
    3, Change the QTY to what you want
    4. Click MODIFY
    5. When you are done, Click OK
    6. Click SAVE in the POKESAV main menu.

    ---Sorry, I've got to go offline. Hope you are now able to use it. Bye.---
  9. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    still no its pissing me off
    Post Merge: [time]1286102306[/time]
    got it to work turns out i had 2 place the sav i was editing in the same folder as the poksav.exe which i never had 2 do before
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Glad to hear you finally got it to work. Yeah! Strange, its normally ok to have the .sav file placed anywhere. Sometimes I even edited the .sav right from my SD card.

    But I'm relief to hear you got it done. I was already beginning to worry you might start having doubt with what I said. Good for you, cheers!
  11. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    thanks man im glad 2
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    ------------------------------The below text contain spoiler. Read at your own risk!-------------------------------

    Since now you already know how to make use of PokeSav B/W. And that is also if you have not got the liberty ticket to unlock Pokemon Victini #000. And if you want to try but don't mind playing from zero again.

    Here's the link:

    Use and edit the .sav file marked as "(3)".sav, change the name to what you use on your .nds rom. It can be use on white and black rom as long as you change the name of that save file. And you are wondering, YES! its empty except for the liberty ticket. You'll receive the ticket once you reach any PokeMart. A mail man will be next to the counter and give it to you. Take it to liberty city to catch that special pokemon.

    But first, what you need to do is edit the .sav file using POKESAV like you had did earlier. Especially the main character's name.

    But here's the catch, you can move your pokemon by copying or matching all data using 2 POKESAV windows manually! But no matter what, you must start from zero.

    But remember when you start from zero, you will have to choose a starting pokemon again. So what you can do is, keep your previous starting pokemon in the POKESAV STORAGE. Go into the game as if you start from zero. After all intro done and you got the new starter pokemon, you can choose to place that new starter into your BOX in the POKEMON CENTER and replace it with the old starter.

    Again another catch, you have to battle all gym leaders from zero again, that means you have to avoid using high level pokemon until you can use it again once you have enough gym badges for it. Got it? Good luck!
  13. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    I GOT the ticket already but dont know how to use it
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Oh good. You just have to make your way to Liberty City then. Here's the official story of how to obtain that special pokemon : http://www.pokestation.net/bw/victini.php

    Short to speak, you go to Liberty City, go to a boat and ride it. You'll get to meet it at the destination.
  15. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    soz for being a noob but this the first time ive done an even :S
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No need to say that. There will always be a first time for everyone. I knew about it from the internet too.
  17. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    lol oh im using a import guide cause i dont speak japanese to pay
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Me either, I do know a bit of Japanese words....like maybe 10-20 words only. I can read the Hiragana & Katakana. But that's about it. So like you, I require English to comprehen about the game story. Usually I turn to Gamefaq.com for free walkthrough guides.
    Post Merge: [time]1286170575[/time]

    Thought maybe you want to know. There been an update for the POKESAV we've been using. Its now v.0.05 not by CloneCharizard, its from jSparrow on GBATemp. He made the latest version, its 100% completed.
    His page link: http://gbatemp.net/t256531-pokesav-black-and-white-translation-with-upcoming-mods
    The download link: http://download657.mediafire.com/n9ydbb3ugdug/j0tflx3chyuys3f/pokesavbw_en_5_f1.exe

    Just tested it minutes ago, Gosh....! Its true. I've renamed every part of my .sav that still in JPN unicode into the English Alphabets, tested it and it work flawlessly.

    ** Special thank you to: jsparrow for the 100% translation, Totodile for bringing it up, COM for the original POKESAV program, and GBATemp.net for hosting it. Sorry if anyone think I accidentally violate rules about linking. I'm just so happy that its finally complete. **
  19. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    cheers man :DDD