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help with installing wood firmware on \"wifi R4 upgrade revolution for DS\"

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by placebooooo, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. placebooooo

    placebooooo New Member

    hi guys. im new here and this is my first post as i hope to get alot out of it! i love the forums by the way lol. well i bought an r4 and im having troubles installing wood firmware on it its just not working, and im not sure if my r4 is a clone or something. this is everything my r4 says on the front:

    revolution for DS (NDSL/NDS)

    hope i can get some help asap you guys thanks!
    Post Merge: [time]1373124941[/time]
    No help? :(
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yeah! Right.... ::)

    1. Yes, you cart is a clone.
    2. I assume you're using an NDS or NDSL console, not NDSi or 3DS; and it's the 2nd cart image from the bottom/ 3rd from top?

    And to answer your ultimate question;
    You're wasting your time and effort trying to install WOOD R4. Your cart isn't supported by it. In fact those carts from that site aren't supported by Yellow Wood Goblin's WOOD R4.