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Help with Elebits 2: Adventures of Kai and Zero - 3250

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by richard_brooksid, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    This is a little sad but I need some guidance on this game with Level 1. I have done everything I think I was supposed to do but I don't know what my objective to finish the level is. I have collected the other 2 Elebits (fire guy and ice guy), made it too both places that were 'marked' by the townspeople - including the one on island on left - but nothing happened. The red mark on the map is still there, like I haven't been there yet. I don't know what I should do now or where I should go.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    ** Spoiler Alert **

    I figured it out. When you are on the island that has the big rock (with a face) and the movable platform in front of it (normally used to help cross rivers), you pull the small platform back, place a small rock on it, and it will snap back to the bigger rock (with the face) and cause it to shake out the last omega of the level. That lets you warp back to the bus and away you go.
  3. PikaMoon

    PikaMoon Member

    Sad as it is, I too had the same problem. Took me awhile to figure out how to get the last omega on that level. ^^;; Kept going back and wasting my time. >.>

    However, I'm currently stuck on the boss battle at the next level. *spoiler* I understand that you're supposed to somehow use the magnetic omega to pull the stuff on the side down but....it's not working. How do I use that omega anyways? Help?
  4. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I was able to beat the boss but it took some patience and retries.

    The first thing you need to do is light the three torches with the fire omega (they look like bowls). Then, when the big guy drops the little guys down at you (one at first, then two), pick them up with your laser gun thing, and drop them on top of the flame - that will shoot them up towards the big guy and hopefully hit him. After 3 or 4 hits, he gets mad and comes down to the ground and tries to step on you. You have to dodge him and blow fire on him when he is on the ground. That will catch the object he is holding on fire and he backs off from it. Then, pick it up with your laser thing and try to hit him with it. After you do that a couple of times, he will die. But beware, the next to last time he gets real aggressive.

    Hope that helps - I am stuck on the next level. Can't find the musical omega ....
  5. PikaMoon

    PikaMoon Member

    I managed to defeat the first boss by looking at screenshots. It took me awhile but I eventually got the hang of it.

    As for the musical omega...I can't remember the location but I believe it's up past the bus. You head towards northeast by crossing the river, go up a few elevators, head towards west, which will lead you eventually back south. Once you reach an area with lots of holes and two squarish looking rocks, use the magnet guy to fill in the holes, go down an elevator, ignore the river and head down, go right to activate a new elevator. At this point, click the button to make the elevator go up (without actually being on there). This is important b/c it acts as a bridge to reach the musical omega (if I remember correctly.) After you make the elevator go up, start heading back up but when you reach the pond/river area, cross it to find that the elevator you activated allows you to cross to a new elevator...and eventually to the music omega. (Sorry if this sounds all confusing). Once you find the music omega, you need to step on these stones in the right order, according to a music scale. Just step on all of them to listen to their notes, and step in an order that sounds like its going up the music scale.

    Hope that helped or made some sense. After the music omega, you'll have to get the rador omega. (I found this one even harder to reach.) If you beat the second boss, let me know how you did it. I'm stuck and can't proceed. -_______-
  6. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I have the magnet and music omega but not the radar omega (yet).
  7. ragevendetta

    ragevendetta New Member

    I've got a problem as well im stuck at the water temple which is a bit further on (ok a lot) i have no idea what im doing.
    its the level under water.
  8. Arianelle

    Arianelle New Member

    Can somebody help me get to the 3rd omega on the first world? I can't figure out how to get on the island, it's in the middle of the water and I can't possibly freeze the entire huge gap?? PLEASE I'm stuck!!!!
  9. PikaMoon

    PikaMoon Member

    To get on the island, there's two flowers floating on the water. Click on those and they'll expand into huge lily pads, which you can jump onto to get to the middle island. Do the same to cross to the other side. (Note: You'll have to jump diagonally. To jump, just use the stylus to touch the lily pads.)

    And after you reach the other side, look at the above post by richard brooksid to see how to crush the boulder. Hope this helped. ^.^

    As for the water temple....still stuck on the 2nd level. Still can't beat the boss. ^^;; Can't be of much help until then. Sorry.
  10. PikaMoon

    PikaMoon Member

    Ah. I've finally figured it out how to beat the 2nd boss. In case anyone wants to know, there's apparently an "up" button on the thing you're riding while fighting. (It's a green button.) ^^;; Took me awhile but.....click on the green button every time the boss gets close to eating you. Every time you avoid getting bit by the boss, you get the boss angrier and angrier. Eventually, he'll push you up in the air, and that's when you activate the magnet omega. Gather the metal balls around you and when you drop back down, you'll hurt the boss. (It was actually easier than I thought. The hardest part is just making sure to avoid the boss every time he gets near. Just focus on the green button. It'll turn red for awhile, but the moment it turns back green, click on it.)


    And....just curious...as for the next world, I finally found the wind omega but....how do you catch him. He keeps spinning, thus making him impossible to catch. What do do?
  11. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the rest of you but this game is pretty darn entertaining. I wasn't expecting it to be this challenging or engrossing. I had to pause for a bit while I tried out moon but am getting back to it now. Thanks to all for the great tips/hints. I hope to be on world 3 soon.
  12. PikaMoon

    PikaMoon Member

    Ok....in response to my own question earlier, to catch the wind omega, lure him near the symbols on the ground and quickly use earth omega to dig a hole on the symbol. This activates a whirlwind which confuses the wind omega for a bit. Do this around...3-4 times, and eventually the game will say you caught him. Phwef. ^,^


    And I must agree, this game is curiously quite fun. I love the cute little omegas and the beautiful art. I find this truly engaging, and capable of capturing my attention for hours on end. And dang, sometimes I feel so stupid too. ^^;; A very engaging and adorable game.


    And....just wondering, how do you beat the boss on the ship in the resort world? I believe this is the 3rd world and....yep, stuck once again. ^^;;
    --> Whoops. I figured out partly how to beat the boss but haven't fully accomplished it yet. BUT, when the cranes come down, click on it and drag it around to hit the boss. You can look at the shadows on the ground to know where to let go. Once it hits the boss, he'll drop down and you'll have to quickly use the water omega to hurt him. However, after he's hurt, he'll turn into a flame and chase you down. Run for your life and avoid getting hit. This process repeats but....around part way through, he'll start raining down fire on you while you try to hit him w/ the crane. And then worse, once he's hurt enough, he'll rain a row for fire down and then chase you down w/ lava. I figured out you can use the water omega to cool of the omega but....what do there? I hit it w/ power omega once and....well, he fell down but the rocks fell on me too, killing me in the process.

    If there's a better way, let me know. Or, better yet, let me know what I should do after I stop the lava for a second. He's frozen, but....then what? Do I REALLY have to keep switching omegas back and forth?
  13. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    Dang - my SAV file got corrupted when I ran a backup of my sdMicro card to my PC. Now I have to start game over again - oh wells, such is life.
  14. iamitguy

    iamitguy New Member

    can anyone lend a hint on how to get to the village in world 3?
  15. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I am stuck on the boss on level 3 - i get to the point where I am getting lava poured down on me and I douse it with water omega (turrning it to rock) but I can't seem to anything else at that point. he is still while the trail is cooled off but nothing seems to do anything with it. i have tried several different omegas but can't seem to get the right one. anyone have an idea on defeating the boss on level 3 (tropical island)?
  16. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I figured it out.

    After you cool off the dripping lava with the water omega, you have to use the strong-man omega (the big one that breaks rocks) and break the lava rocks.

    I tried this before I posted my question but I must not have hit the rock tail the right way because it didn't break at first. You have to hit the end of the rock tail - the part that touches the ground - to do any damage. I am sure this sounds pretty logical (and sounds simple to me now) but I was stuck there for a bit.
  17. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    FYI everyone, an official walk through has been posted on gamefaqs.com


    i hope it is ok to post this url
  18. T_T

    T_T Member

    you could try youtube too, the walkthrough is easy, he does the stuff and you have to kind of copy him. it's especially useful when you fight the bosses - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D02MXWdITtU&feature=channel_page