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Help with downloading Psx Files

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by goombaelite, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. goombaelite

    goombaelite Member

    I have tried downloading a psx self executable file and when I clicked on the download link it gave me the message one would receive if you were not registered, and I can't see how to fix this problem, and if anyone has any advice or suggestions, please tell me them so I can fix this problem

    EDIT: Just noticed that by attempting to download it I lost 75 Points, no, wait, 100 points (from trying to download it more than once) and now this is really a problem
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    do you have Norton Internet Security by any chance?
  3. goombaelite

    goombaelite Member

    No, I have Avast antivirus, but would that be the problem?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if you have a firewall that blocks referrer information, that would cause the problem. NIS is the major culprit, but not the only one.
  5. goombaelite

    goombaelite Member

    ACK! Nope, not the problem... Would it be the download manager I am using? or Windows Firewall? And i lost 50 more points... :'(
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    could be the download manager, try without

    unlikely to be windows firewall, since thats about as strong as wet paper in a hurricane, but turn it off anyway. Get Sygate Personal Firewall (free) instead :)
  7. goombaelite

    goombaelite Member

    Still can't get it to work, if it helps, the game was harvest moon: back to nature

    EDIT: Wait, would it be because I'm using firefox?
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No. Both Seph and I use firefox all the time. That game works fine for me, so I would advise you to wait for Seph to get back from school.
  9. goombaelite

    goombaelite Member

  10. rad_scorpion

    rad_scorpion New Member

    its prolly internet security stuff..use firefox..so much better when it comes to downloading
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    He does use firefox.
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You get the message?

    Because that makes no sense since you're losing points, especially not if loony can download.

    Try loggin out and then log in again.
  13. goombaelite

    goombaelite Member

    Ok, I'll try that now

    Edit: Yeah i got that message Seph so i disabled my dl manager and when I clicked the link again a window popped up for a millisecond and closed and then nothing else happened.
  14. goombaelite

    goombaelite Member

    I guess it was firefox, I tried downloading it with IE and it worked fine, not sure why it didn't work in firefox, but I got it now, so thanks for the help and sorry for the confusion.