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Help updating my R4i Revolution card (r4ultra.com)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by rizefall, May 1, 2014.

  1. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member

    EDIT: Good lord! Sorry for making the pictures so goddamn big. I have no clue on how to make them smaller so they will have to stay that for now.

    Hello there!

    I've had this card for a very long time. I bought it a few years ago very cheep cause i had no money for all the DS games i wanted to play. Now i wanted to use it again and that's when i realized how many roms (or games) i wanted to play that did not work. I managed to download some kind of update (http://www.r4wood.com/Kernel/a/R4iUltra-En_1.56.rar) and games like Pokemon Heartgold, Bowsers Inside story seem to work now, cayse before i could not even start them or get past the title screen (being unable to use my buttons.)


    So my question is: Can i update it even more or do something to make the card more worthwhile? One game i want to play is Mario and Luigi Partners in time but that game i always have to restart the game while saving cause it gets stuck. From what i understand, with other firmware this does not happen (although not sure if that's true). The interface is kinda shitty as well. I've seen all kinds of different interfaces/UIs that look very good and here i sit with this crap:


    I'm not very experienced with these kind of things. My findings got me that update i linked earlier and from what i can tell this is a fake/clone card. Does that mean there is not as many updates and perhaps that's why the roms (like Partners in Time) is buggy? Are there better things i can put on my card to make it better? What about UI/Interface? Can i use the "WOOD R4" that i've read so much about? I made a thread about 4 years ago with the same problem and people told me to install wood. I've tried doing that today but it just says "Loading" when i start the console.

    This is how my card looks like on the inside:

    I know i'm asking for lots of things, but i've really tried to google around for about a week now and this is as far as i've gotten. Hopefully people on this forum don't hate on noobies as others might. Any help would be nice to get and thanks in advance if anyone can help me!
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    You have no idea how nice it is to have big images.
    Putting them in a spoiler would've probably been a good idea, but at least I can see :)

    Well, I'll try to answer a few questions and then get it working for you.
    Unfortunately, you cannot install Wood R4 onto it. It only works for a certain few cards (the original, and two R4 "clones").

    However, there is an alternative.
    It's called YSMenu. It's got the same compatibility as Wood (which is 99.8%) and supports pretty much every R4 clone. Depressingly, it doesn't say it supports your card, but lets hope eh?

    So, how to.
    Download this: http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=32764

    Once you've finished downloading (choose Manual download, not the Automatic one) extract it.
    Then choose the "R4-Clone" folder and follow these instructions:

    Make sure you backup any games you had. Once that's done, recopy the files from the link you posted (http://www.r4wood.com/Kernel/a/R4iUltra-En_1.56.rar).
    As it says, load the card and boot "YSMenu.nds". That should work.

    Post here once you've done it, and tell me (or one of the other guys) if it worked or didn't.
  3. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member

    Ok i've done all that. The interface changes but now it says (when trying to play any game) "Error Unsupported DLDI name". What's that about?

    Picture here:

  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Hmm. Weird.
    YSMenu is Jhon's job, he should be here in a minute or two.

    Could you try the R4-SDHC folder this time?
  5. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member


    First off it just said "Loading". What was different this time was that i had a DSMENUDAT file that wanted to get replaced. I tried it and that's when it said loading.

    EDIT: I also noticed that when i boot it normaly without YSMenu it does say i have a R4 Ultra english Version. If that helps in anyway. I did try the R4i SDHC, but after the loading text disappears it just sits at a black screen at the top and a white one at the bottom.

    When i did not replace it (using the one not from the package) i could still boot up YSMENU like normal though it now had blue text and the same error comes up when i try to play games.
  6. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    God, your card is an absolute bitch :p
    Hmm. The truth is, your card isn't supported by RGFs Multi Card Update. I'm surprised it isn't, but that;s life I suppose.

    There's another way. I have no idea if it will work though, since I don't really understand the concept. But it might, so it's worth a try.
    Basically, we need to patch the games that have AP. These, I presume, are the ones you're running.

    So, follow this guide for the games that don't work: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=59991.0
    Re-format your SD, but this time, just install your basic R4 Ultra firmware. Then try and load the patched games.
  7. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member

    Maybe i suck, but Mario and Luigi Partners in time says it's not Supported when i try to patch it. I tried other roms and those works just fine (but i can play those too, suppose i can patch them anyway).

    I'm just not supposed to play this game on my DS, lol.
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    It's always that bloody game.
    Gosh I hate it so much.

    Afraid to say I won't be much help from here on out. Your best option is to get a new card.
    Keep an eye on the topic for a day or two though. There's another guy who's very good with this. He'll pop around soon hopefully.

    Sorry I couldn't be much help.
  9. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member

    To be fair i could play it on my PC with some highpitched sound issues (not happening often) but i would much rather play it on my DS.
    And dont say you did not help, infact, i got a lot better at doing these kinds of things for the future and for when your buddy comes here to try help. Thanks for the information and experience!

    Quick question: If i decide to play it on my PC while i wait for the other guy to look at my case, can i use my save on the PC on my card? If that's possible i could just start playing the game right now.
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Your card is a clone sorry to say.

    Best to ask here: http://gbatemp.net/threads/retrogamefan-updates-releases.267243/

    My YSMenu is only supported 4 the R4 original .
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    For R4 Ultra users who wants to use YSMENU as secondary firmware:

    1. Back up SD Micro content to computer
    2. Quick Format/Full Format SD Micro
    3. Download : http://www.r4wood.com/pages/R4i-Ultra-Kernel.html
    4. Extract the downloaded file using whatever extraction program of your choice
    5. Restore backed up files from computer to SD Micro and add the downloaded file as well
    6. Download : http://uploadmirrors.com/download/DVI1P9BF/DAT_s_v6346.rar (Jhon 591's package)
    7. Copy the latest DAT files (extinfo.dat, infolib.dat, and savlib.dat) from no.6
    8. Open TTMENU folder in SD Micro, replace the 3 DAT files with the ones from no.7
    9. Load SD Micro on R4, and run on NDS
    10. Load AKloader.nds before choosing the rom to play (if all goes well, you should be able to play normally)

    * If it didn't work and you want to restore your files, simply quick format and restore using just the backed up files from step 1.
  12. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Thankyou very much :)
    Sadly, Jhon doesn't seem to be able to help that much as well. But as he suggested, try asking in that topic he listed.

    If you're using DeSmuME, just put the battery folder and run the ROM (make sure the ROM name and save file are the same).

    You can also import.

    That works? Why do I not know of this...
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yeah. That's how it's done for Ultra users. Maybe because you'd never paid attention to my past posts when similar questions popped up. :p

    1. http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=61438.0
    2. http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=61064.0

    There are more by the way. ;)
  14. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member

    I already have the offical 1.56 version on my card. Is that the one you wanted me to download or was there someone else? There are many links and you dont really specify which one.

    Trying with the one i have and following this guide. I'll be back with news.

    EDIT: I really dont understand how to follow your guide to be honest. Do you expect me to have YSMenu already? Which version am i supposed to download when i can choose so many? I will just assume i shall have "R4i Ultra R4 Ultra SDHC V1.56" and not "R4i Ultra AKAIO 1.8.6a Kernel".
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No. In my step 3; Go to that r4wood website and download no. 4 link (YSMENU).
    Then continue with my steps. By the way, allow me to correct step 8; I meant to say replace the 3 dats found in step 3 with the ones from Jhon 591. You won't find any TTMENU folder from that r4wood's link.

    PS: Do back up your SD MICRO before going forward with my tutorial.
  16. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member

    Ok, i just downloaded the R4i Ultra AKAIO 1.8.6a Kernel and now Mario and Luigi Partners in time works like a charm, lol. Should i still do what you wanted me to do or just stick with this as it seem to work for now?
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Which ever your choose. You can still just give my tutorial a go if you want. As AKAIO been abandoned, many new games might not work on it. While Jhon 591's DAT files for YSMENU has offset to make your R4 run all NDS rom to date. With this, I assume you'd your problem solved.
  18. rizefall

    rizefall Active Member

    Alright! I will just use what i have now as i'm able to play and save this thread in case something ugly happens in the future.

    Thanks everyone for the help!
  19. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Sorry :p
    Thanks. I'll put it in my list of solutions for commonly asked questions (totally should make that).

    No problem.
    Glad it was solved easily and quickly. :)

    Have a good one.
  20. MadePlate

    MadePlate New Member

    Hello guys, i found this topic after a lot of google search, and the R4 is exactly like the one that i'm trying to make work, i'm using a dsi 1.4.5u, i already tried many kernels but every time i put it in it asks for restart the system i was trying this tutorial but. When i tried the step 6 i could not make the file download, can someone help me ? send a new link or something like that.