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Help unbrick www.R4iGold.cn The website update killed it, no more ICON

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Dannymizer, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    Some of you already know my situation about this from my other thread and so I decided the new problem with this card needs a new thread that is no longer related to my previous problem.

    Here goes, card was working fine with the roms that ran. It just didn't work with some roms so I decided to run the update from the cart's website and my DS Lite froze @ 42% I took cart out after about 30 minutes of no activity in the update and then tried it on several DS Lites and couple DSi's, it no longer loads the Icon or App that shows card is present.

    I ordered a AK2i and hope to get it soon. Since there is a chance that I can bring the Icon back to the r4igold by using the new cart, I just want to know how it could be done and what I need to get it done.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    HOPEICAN Active Member

    Hope you get it fixed
  3. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the steps. I still did not receive the AK2i so hope to get it soon to try this out.

    Just to make sure I have a R4iGold.cn that is not 3ds, will these files you have listed for the r4i update be the correct ones? I guess it can't hurt anything at this point.

    EDIT: Just noticed the NON3DS words in the file so maybe it will work. Does it make a difference between AKAIO 1.89 and 1.90? I had downloaded the 1.90 to have ready but if it is better to use 1.89 I'll use that instead for this fix.
  4. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    Received the AK2i and tried it out with the akaio 1.90 and it is working great, no regrets so far getting this one.

    As far as my other cart, I tried it out with the patch update above and it said card is not compatible with update or something like that. I'll give it another try later on before I head out for a week off to see if it does it again, then I'll try the update patch again from www.r4igold.cn(the same update patch that killed it in the first place as I don't see another one on their site)