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HELP! Stuck in Trauma Center Under the Knife 2!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by quinalona, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. quinalona

    quinalona Member

    I've been at it for 2 days but I can't get past Chapter One Episode 6 "Fever".
    That's the one with Kafi, the child soldier.
    After I use the ultrasound for a second time and made my first incision, drained blood, and stitch him up...when other cuts start bursting open and then its over before I even get the chance to click to the drain!
    How do I get past this????? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  2. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Take care of the lacerations and blood. Afterwards, use the ultrasound to find
    one of the hemorrhages. Cut it open before it cut themselves open at the
    patient's expense. This is what you have to do for the rest of the operation.
    Taking care of that one hemorrhage will begin the second wave. Ultrasound the
    area for another three hemorrhages. Take of them and you'll have another wave.
    There will be about four this time around, however, after you take care of a
    few of them, a few more will appear so make sure to ultrasound around after
    treating a few of them. After you take care of them all. The game will kick
    in with the Healing Touch. Take of the wounds and there will be about three
    more hemmorhages that you'll need to dig up.

    The operation ends when you take care of all the wounds, so you might want to
    leave a laceration around if you want to max out your vitals for your score.

    By www.gamefaqs.com
  3. quinalona

    quinalona Member

    thanks...but ive done that.

    ultrasound, found 2, cut those open but before i can even suck up the blood, a third one opens and the kid is dead! :'(
    the whole thing is done and over with by the time the timer hits 4:02...
  4. sesa

    sesa Well-Known Member

    >.> if you put it on easy he will not have such big drops of vitality.
  5. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Hey, a reason to pull out a great game - awesome! Here's a step-by-step guide, just for you =3

    (the hemorrhage locations should always be the same, but they're not too hard to find if they're randomized)

    At mission start, drain the standings pools of blood, then apply antibiotic gel to the tiny cuts, as well as the larger cuts - this prevents them from bleeding and will stop the vitals from dropping momentarily. Suture two of the cuts, then bump the vitals back to max before closing up the last wound.

    Now we have to find the collections of blood underneath the skin - you'll see this again later on, so it's worth noting that the vitals always drop when you open it up, even if you actually cut it or if it bursts on its own. The drop is around 10 if you cut it, but it's about twenty if it explodes, so make sure you always stay above at least thirty to ensure that a ninja explosion doesn't maul your little kid.

    Find the first hemmorage just to the left of the navel with the ultrasound, slice it open, and drain the blood, but before you close up the wound, increase the vitals - many "events" happen when you close up the last wound, so if you always have the vitals high just before then, you won't get surprised (this is especially true once you encounter far more deadly diseases).

    Anyways, close up the last wound - looks like there's a lot more to be had. Use the ultrasound to find them - one is bottom-center, the other two close to the center of his chest. Cut ONE, heal, cut another, heal, and cut the last one, leaving the blood and incision untouched as you cut each one. As the vitals drop when you cut one or when one explodes, you can get rid of that 30 or so vital drop at the get-go, rather than having one sneak by you while you work. Close up the remaining ones, healing before you close the last one - remember, whenever Angie sighs and says it's all over, something is bound to happen (or if the text ends with them being cut off).

    Three more internal hemorrhages pop up, one square in his chest, and two near the navel. Cut one, heal, cut another, heal, then cut the last one and heal up. Drain the blood on both and suture one cut, then heal the vitals - once you close the second wound, two more hemorrhages appear. Quickly find and cut them before one explodes (one did for me as I was playing, so you might have to go quick!). After you close the last one, it's all better - not.

    Cuts galore pop up with no apparent drop in the vitals, but Derek buts out the Healing Touch, slowing down time - this makes the vitals drop much slower, so you can leave wounds standing for a while without any major worry. In addition to the already formed cuts, there are three more hemorrhages to be had, on in the upper-right, bottom-right and bottom-left. Cut these and heal them, making sure to heal before you move on to the next one, before treating the other wounds.

    Mission Complete! Hopefully you can get it now, and good luck on further operations - don't go slaughtering too many people now.
  6. quinalona

    quinalona Member

    i havent touched this game since i last reported it. lol. thanks for the info on the difference in the number of vital drops if cut/burst. that may help me out. i do try to keep his vitals closer to 50 but those darn things go so fast! i'll just have to move faster then.

    thanks to everyone for the help! :D
  7. BlogMan

    BlogMan Active Member

    I'm also stuck in this game but on a diffirent part.
    im stuck on chapter 2 episode 2: PGS
    So i take care of the first 'super tumor' then two more pop up. i try to get the one on the left but when i've taken it out it regenerates and says 'it must be extracted all at once' so then i use healing touch and remove both the tumors, hooray!
    Then the screen fills up with these 'super tumors' and they tell me to use my healing touch. But i've already used healing touch so it's impossible! What am i to do!?!
