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Help selecting a good cheap Flashcart.

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by ProGTO, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    I'm very bored using Desmume playing Black and White 2 since there is no WiFi on Desmume 0.9.8 yet. So, I'm planning to buy a Flashcart, so I can battle and trade with people online.
    I'm not planning to pay for more than $15 for one, since all I mostly play is Pokemon(My favorite game of all time), other DS games are boring to me. My parents are right now kinda mad. LOL
    I want a cheap, yet long lasting one. Can someone suggest which Flashcart is right for me?
  2. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    An Acekard2i or a SupercardDSTWO would most likely be your best shot. The Acekard is a little cheaper, although the DSTWO has more features. They are pretty much the same card, except the DSTWO can emulate GBA games from slot one because of its onboard ram and an onboard processing chip. It is also a little bit more expensive then the Acekard. Although both cards preform about the same when playing NDS games, and their compatibility is very good. Both of these are over your 15 dollar limit but well worth it. You can get an AK for 20$ here. And if you are interested in buying a DSTWO they are around 36?? dollars. I'm not totally sure about that so dont hold me too it.
  3. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    A quick question: No matter what Flashcart I buy, as long as it compatible with the TTMenu/YSMenu, it can play the latest games?
  4. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Well, if you got an Acekard, you wouldn't want to use that. AKAIO(Acekard All In One) is a much better IMHO. And it should run just about everything, unless you need to patch the rom for AP or something like that. Although you should just be able to turn "Bypass AP" on on the AK's settings and then you shouldn't even need to patch.
  5. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    Checked out mostly all Flashcart. I found 2 that has good rating, it low price, and it works pretty well. Could you tell me which is overall better?
    Acekard or R4? If Acekard which one(Acekard2.1 or Acekard2i) If R4 which one(Because R4 has lots of them, just give the best R4)
    Thanks :)
  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    get acekard 2i if you want acekard. if you want r4, get r4i gold from http://www.r4ids.cn/ since its supported by wood
  7. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    Going for Acekard 2i, but I got a question about it. Does it always stay up to date and can play the latest games like TTMenu/YSMenu? Also is this site a good site to buy it from? http://shoptemp.net/categories/Flashcarts/Acekard/
  8. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    akaio hasnt been updated for 3 months. but with the anti - anti piracy feature, its not needed much. only games not working so far are pokemon conquest and pokemon black/white 2. but normmat should update loaders soon since its been a while. shoptemp is not really a site to buy cards. but it gives you reliable sites on where to buy them
  9. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    hmm, thought Acekard was good.... :(
    Can R4 with TTMenu/YSMenu can play Black and White 2? Also is it good, since R4 has TTMenu/YSMenu which updates more often?
    R4 is cheaper than Acekard 2i, and I don't really care about low power consumption, skin editor or action replay editor or whatever feature Acekard 2i has that R4 doesn't. All I really want is a Flashcart that can always play the latest games, Can use WiFi, and last long. Do you think R4 is a better choice for me?
  10. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    acekard is good. pokemon does work if you use the patched roms
  11. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    This, as I said before on some of the later games like Conquest and B/W2 you probably have to patch or use the bypass AP feature.(which although is not as reliable as patching the ROM on your computer). And the Acekard is probably one of the best cards on the market right now. If you want R4, be careful, none of the cards are actual "R4" made. They are all just clones made under the R4 name.
  12. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    You have three choices of flashcard.

    Acekard 2i (acekard.com)
    Supercard DSTwo (eng.supercard.sc/)
    R4i Gold 3DS (r4ids.cn)

    All are good and have great compatibility.
  13. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    Thanks guys for all the help! :)
    Gonna ask my brother to buy Acekard 2i, if he thinks it too expensive, then the R4i Gold would be my last choice since Supercard DSTwo is just ridiculous on how much they sell it for. I just brought a PSP GO for $30 like new with only one scratch. $36 for a Flashcart...
  14. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

  15. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Lol well I would have to say that you scored on the PSP then :p. And I think its decent anyway, its the only Slot-One card on the market that can play GBA games, and has onboard memory. But still, without that its pretty much just a more expensive AceKard.

    Well put Aeither ;)
  16. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    lol, if I had a job, I would buy the best Flashcart. But since I'm barely going into High School(Freshmen when school starts), can't work, don't have money. My mom says if I get my money from work then I can use it on whatever I want, but if she give the money to me, I can't use it on stuff. LOL it stupid
  17. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Me too!(to that entire post :p)
  18. ProGTO

    ProGTO Member

    I can just imagine when I get out of school, with a good job, getting decent money.
    My house will be full of video games. Video game Posters everywhere in my room. Double gaming PC! XBOX Live, PlayStation Network, and whatever video game is cool in the current time.
    One PC watching Anime/Movies, One playing Call of Duty 15(My guess for future)
    My life is complete! :) LOL
  19. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Keep it on topic guys.
  20. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Call of Duty = 60$ yearly subscription
    Post Merge: [time]1341204775[/time]
    Sorry Principal Aeither :(