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Help running my AceKard 2i on my DSi XL... PLEASE READ! ANY HELP APPRECIATED!!!

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by BL4CKB34RD, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    So I finally go my AceKard 2i to use with my DSi XL. I installed the AK 2i firmware too.

    Problem is, when I put it into my DSi XL, it show's there isn't even a game cartridge in the slot.

    I tried the AK 2i firmware update, but the cart still doesn't show in the DSi XL start menu.

    Do I have to put the firmware update on and then run the cart on a DS before I can run it on DSi XL? That's would be a problem considering I no longer have my DS. Just have the DSi XL.

    My DSi XL firmware is 1.4U, if that helps. I have never updated the firmware.

  2. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    Re: How do I run AceKard 2i on my DSi XL?

    The nexttime look true the forum before you make a new topic
    the answer is mostly already there you only need to find it.

    I've looked true the forum and found this maybe this will help you:


    You need to update it on the DS Lite.

  3. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Re: How do I run AceKard 2i on my DSi XL?

    Thank you for your reply.

    I DID look "true" the forum before I made this topic. I've been scouring the forum for about an hour. I already visited the first link you posted. Unfortuanley, it says NOTHING about this problem in relation to the DSi XL, just in relation to the DSi.

    The second part of your response may be useful. However, since I only have a DSi XL, it's going to be pretty hard to find out.

    In the first link you posted, I can't even get the AceKard 2i to load. When I try to run the cart, the DSi XL start menu shows that there is no cart in the game slot. So I can't run the firmware update, because my DSi XL won't even recognize the cart.

    The second link you gave me just takes me to the firmware update. The same firmware update found in your first link. And also, it says nothing about running it on a DSi XL.
  4. citty63

    citty63 Member

    Re: How do I run AceKard 2i on my DSi XL?

    Have you formatted your micro SD card before putting the firmware onto it? It is a common problem and this needs to be done each time an update comes out for the AKAIO firmware. I think we are up to 1.7. Hope this helps.
  5. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Re: How do I run AceKard 2i on my DSi XL?

    Ok. UPDATE.

    I found out one part of the problem. On another topic, zeno 16 mentioned this:

    "The DSi XL is known for not detecting the flash cards, due to the size of the flash cards, it doesn't always connect with the connectors of the DSi XL. "

    So I tried the wiggle method and found that if I slid the cart just right, the DSi XL could detect the cart for a few seconds, but that it wouldn't read long enough for me to select it. I then compared my AK2 cart to my AK2i cart. When my AK2 is in the game slot, it doesn't wiggle at all and the DSi XL can detect it. The AK2i cart though, slides around a lot in the slot, hence the contact issues. So I figured out how to fix the contact issues-

    -I opened up both AK carts. I switched the cartridge cases, putting the AK2i chip/drive into the case of the AK2 and.........

    IT WORKED! Now my DSi XL recognizes the cart and it appears on my DSi XL startup menu. BUT.......

    Now I'm getting this error when I try to start up the card:

    "An error has occured. Press and hold the Power Button to turn the system off. Please check the DSi Operation manual for help trouble shooting"

    This is the same error you get if you try to run an AK2 cart on a DSi XL. I had AKAIO 1.7 installed on the AK21. Also, I had done a "Quick Format" before installing AKIO 1.7. Right now I'm am doing the standard takes-like-a-half-hour formatting procedure. I'll load AKIO 1.7 AGAIN and see what happens.

    So what am I missing now? Does AKIO 1.7 need an update? Do I have to install a loader for AKIO 1.7 or something? I've heard you have to use a DS/DSL to load up the firmware before you can use it on a DSi/DSiXL. Is that right?

    Any ideas?
    Post Merge: [time]1276710323[/time]
    OK. So I formatted the MicroSD card and installed AKIO 1.7.

    Still getting this same error message:

    "An error has occured. Press and hold the Power Button to turn the system off. Please check the DSi Operation manual for help trouble shooting"

    I noticed something when you go into the AKIO 1.7 on the Micro SD card. When you open the "_aio" folder and then check the "ak2loader", I see that there is no loader in the folder. I'm going try downloading the ak2loader and putting it into this folder. Hopefully this works.....
    Post Merge: [time]1276710822[/time]
    OK. Added in ak2loader. Tried running it on the DSi XL. Still got the same error message.

    I'm officially OUT of ideas!

    Should I be using some other firmware instead of AKIO 1.7? Is ACIO 1.7 even confirmed to work on DSi XL? Do I need to update ACIO 1.7?

    Suggestions, fellow ROMulation citizens?
  6. zeno16

    zeno16 Active Member

    Did you try to run the updater again? just to check if it says that the card can't be upgraded when you've upgraded the AK2I firmware to run on 1.4 if not then do it :)

    If it has been upgraded try to use AKAIO 1.6 RC2 and see if that works, since the AKAIO 1.7 is fairly new it goes battle with a few bugs, could be that you found one.

    Also What HW does your AK2i have and what is it's SVN? You can check that by running your AK2i in your DSl push start then go to help and it should print it out.

    Like mine says AKAIO v1.7 HW:81 SVN 892
  7. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Your acekard ITSELF needs an update for DSi/XL use. Updating akAIO will not fix this. You NEED a DSPhat/Lite/DSi 1.3 or prior to do this. There is no way to do this on the XL.

  8. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Thank you last poster. That is the answer I was looking for.

    All right, to make sure I understand, I need to run the update on the AK2i from a DSPhat/Lite/DSi. After I run the update, this fixes the AK2di. I can then take out the cart and run it on my DSi XL. This sound about right?
  9. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Yes, that is right partially. The DSi needs to be 1.3 or below. You can find this by going to system options on the DSi menu and you should see "Ver 1.X " on the bottom right of the top screen. Make sure to follow that guide closely.
  10. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    But I can use a DSPhat/Lite to run the update, right?

    And also, exactly which firmware should I have on the AK2i? AKAIO 1.6RC2, AKAIO 1.7, or Official Version 4.21?
  11. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    DSLite/Phat is fine.

    akAIO 1.7 is what you should run, until the next akAIO version comes out.
  12. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Thank you.

    In the tutorial you linked to, it talks about using one of the updates to "unbrick" a bricked AK2i. How do I know if mine is bricked or not?
  13. if your cart was bricked it wouldn't load even after flashing it to work on 1.4U,though alls you need to fix a brick like that is run the updater that is ment for brick fixes from another cart and when it says switch carts switch to the bricked one

    also here is a full guide if you just need it for the updating go to step #11 it also has contact issue fixes

  14. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone, for your help.

    Since I didn't have a DS of my own to update the firmware on the AK2i, I loaded AKAIO 1.7 and the update onto my AK2i and went to Gamestop.

    I then pretended to be interedted in buying a DS and proceeded to use there DS to update my cart. Worked like a charm.

    The cart now successfully boots up on my DSi XL and I can play all my old .nds files. So thanks! However.....


    I can't seem to use any of my ".sav" files. So the 70+ hours of gameplay I put into Infinite Space is seemingly for not. When I boot a game I have a ".sav" on, the game only offers "new game". No option to play saved games.

    How do I fix this?

    Thanks again!
  15. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    In the akAIO system options, is the save type set to .sav or .nds.sav?

    If the file itself is .nds.sav it will need to be set accordingly.

    What cart were the .sav files made on before?
  16. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    AKAIO system options menu......

    Ok, got it!

    Thanks! Wow what an odessey!


    -Physically modified a flashcart
    -Utilized a pretext to get access to a system I didn't own
    -And was led by the hand every step of the way by VERY patient RomUlationites

    Thank you all! Tonight, I resume playing Infinite Space, on a AK2i, on a DSi XL. Life is good!
  17. yes AKAIO has an option to switch between .nds.sav,and .sav (i use .nds.sav myself) if that doesn't help you can try a bug report at the AKAIO website (you will have to Debug first just try other roms for the game,different DMA mode (its covered in the guide i linked to),and maybe sav converters (backup the original before messing with it for testing)

    hope i helped
  18. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    It DID! Thanks!