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Help !! My L & R Toggles won't work on my DS on any downloaded games.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by kersty5180, Jan 13, 2009.

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  1. kersty5180

    kersty5180 New Member

    Can Anyone help ??
  2. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    does it only not work on downloaded games? or do they not work on normal cards either?

    usually it's from like damage or something. cause the shoulder buttons, according to this thing i read a while back, they aren't 'real buttons', cause they're kinda like a spring mechanism so they're prone to breakage. mine's already very busted, but there are rumors flying around about how to fix them. the method i use is EXTREMELY odd, but it actually works from time to time.
    basically you dry your mouth as much as possible, put your lips around the shoulder button and then blow really hard into it, gets the dust out or something. the logics behind it has no sense, but usually after a few seconds they become more responsive. of course, it is recommended you DO NOT do this cause your breath can cause the circuitry to go moldy or something and make it even worse

    PS: by the way, i don't think this matters but what flash cart you use?
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The L and R buttons tend to stop working after long use. It wouldn't be able to reach into the circuits, unless you spat or something into the ds slot. What games?
  4. kersty5180

    kersty5180 New Member

    Thanks for your replies. As far as I know it is only happening on downloaded games (csi & 007). I'll try the blowing to blow out the dust thanks for that. I'm using R4 chip with what ever software was put on by the shop..... sorry I'm not very savvy about all this stuff. Thanks.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The firmware wouldn't have anything to do with it. Maybe they don't use the L/R buttons?
  6. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i'm pretty sure 007 (assuming it's first person shooter) would use the L and R buttons for firing, try downloading some random game that you know for sure will use the L and R button (like Call of Duty) and test it that way if you have to. i'd say it's just damage. you actually aren't supposed to carry it loose in your pockets cause then the shoulder button facing downwards gets plunged down continuously
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