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Help! My Card is corrupted!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by kingvxx, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    NOTE: I'm talking about my 2GB memory card used in R4 clone flashcart.

    Referring to the title,yesterday it was perfectly fine. I can play my pokemon white just fine and theres no sign of damage at all. Today,i turned on my ds,and im stuck at loading screen. Tried turning on and off multiple times,no deal.

    So i went to my computer to check my memory card. And i got 'The disk is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?' message. Terrified, i clicked properties and find out that all my file in the card was lost. I'm using window xp btw.

    So my question is,is there even a glimmer of hope for me to recover my files and my precious sav files?
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    RecoverMyFiles portable, I'm not sure if it would recover all your files


    Are maybe overs like MicroSD data recovery


    PS: Best advice always backup to your hard drive all games and saves!
  3. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    I'll give it a try. Downloading it atm. I did backup my save files,just not the recent ones :(
    Post Merge: [time]1299596216[/time]
    Nope no drill on both software..:(

    Anything else that might work?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    theres two causes for this. One is the filesystem has become corrupt and unreadable. your files may or may not be recoverable, and a format will restore the card to working order. The second is that the microsd card has failed. Your files will not be recoverable, any attempts to format the card will fail and the card is useless.

    if specialist recovery software cannot retrieve the files then they are likely gone.
  5. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    Well for now I guess I'll not do anything to the card until i'll call up some tech guys in my place to try to recover it. Thanks for the quick response.

    Im not sure if this means anything but when i clicked properties for that card,Used and free space of that card are both at 0 bytes. Along with the capacity
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its probably failed then
  7. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    It's fried :(

    My 4GB SDHC card for my AK2i did the same thing. I put it in the computer to add a ROM, and I got the dreaded this card is not formatted message, which basically means your files are corrupted.

    This happens to me every few months. I've lost too many gamesaves including those from emulators, so I back up every other day to minimize data loss.
  8. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member


    But then,should i or should i not called up file recovery specialist to attempt to restore it?
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its your call. there's no guarantee they'll get your files back and data recovery services are expensive.
  10. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    Oh dear.. I guess i'll wait for a day or 2 till i make my decisions. Thanks to all the responders for your help. I really appreciate it.
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I would not giveup on the word faild, I thought this a few times

    Try panasonic SD formatter


    Post Merge: [time]1299678335[/time]
    Best to re download games and stuff and keep them safe, Shame but you have to restart the game saves
  12. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    Oh i have the pana formatter. It always come with the ysmenu files that retro did in the rar :p. Yeah i guess I'll format the card with it and restart some of my games.
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If it dont get rid of the 0kb issue, let us know ?

    Best of luck
    Post Merge: [time]1299682184[/time]
    Anyone who likes a real clean micro SD chip

    My own upload and tested,

    Active@ KillDisk PRO v5.2 Portable.exe


    Be sure to select the "correct" letter drive your Micro SD chip is using, Then select KILL and Type in ERASE-ALL-DATA and OK, Once killed is done may take awhile, close down program, And Un-insert and Re-insert the Micro SD chip and you will have one cleanup Micro SD Chip!, Although don't use it to many times. <- reformat normal way after this is done as it will request to do so
  14. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    I tried formatting it but it says 'the memory card is write protected.' So i googled it and they said the memory card suppose to have a small switch beneat/beside it. Problem is,my memory card is too damn small and i dont think that switch even exists in my card.
    Post Merge: [time]1299682960[/time]
    Well they said its suppose to have the switch on the ADAPTER for minisd like mine. but like i said,no such switch is found.
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Last resort KillDisk PRO v5.2 ^

    Also try a diffrent usb port + undo the chip and redo into reader, Your reader dose not have a switch dose it ?
  16. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    No,not even the Killdisk work. I think its safe to say that its currently fried and i have to get a new reader and a new card.

    My reader does not have a switch that is visible. If it does have a switch,its probably hidden by the manufacturer because they want their customers card to fail and not be able to fix it *sarcasm*

    Anyway i really appreciate your help. But the Panasonic SD formatter, Killdisk Pro, not even the built-in window formatter seems to be working. So ya I'm pretty sure its my card that's fried and futile to do more things to it.
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    No problem, I tryed my beast

    Anyway your welcome!

    Sorry if i could not have help more

    I don't think it's a scam lol!, Just the way it can be sometimes
  18. Gregar7777

    Gregar7777 Active Member

    well, this shows we need to make backups for our r4 clones, and other cards. Or if you want to save not so much memory, save the .sav files
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That should have been common knowledge anyway. Flash media has a limited lifespan.
  20. Tice

    Tice Active Member

    um are you using a MICRO sd as the memory card?
    when you connect it to the computer, you connect it
    into a sd card-looking thing right? then into the computer?
    the switch is a tiny nob at bottom. just flick it up/down.

    Don't know if you knew this though...