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Help me to stop smoking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by syx, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. syx

    syx Active Member

    It's been three months since i started smoking, started as a stunt in a documentary my friend made.

    I want to know is there anybody out there who successfully stop? I understand the risk and want to stop but also find that every time I lack motivation.

    I don't want this to continue and any help would be appreciated, but please don't give a motherly lecture, my mom already did.

  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Just stop.
  3. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Get those nicotine chewing gum
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Pointless, as well as the patch.
  5. syx

    syx Active Member

    Is it really that pointless?

    I mean, it's chemically summat capable isn't it?
  6. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    i use Valerian i don't know what's the English word for it it's homeopathic and it's supposed to calm your nerves....helped pretty good
  7. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

  8. syx

    syx Active Member

    isn't those things (homeopathic) make you crave sweets?

    i need to stay in shape for my acting job..
  9. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    no i don't think so...at least not for me...
  10. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    It is not a placebo, it contains nicotine.
    Mind you I do not think much of these products, too expensive and you are still going to be addicted to nicotine if you use them.

    If you lack the will power you will not be able to quit, simple as that. To help boost your will power you could consider hypnotism(some of these people are quacks make sure they have the proper qualifications), also some of the Chinese herbal products can be helpful, assuming you can find a good Chinese herbalist. Be warned, many of the herbal remedies will make you feel very sick if you do smoke while using them. Personally I quit smoking by using nasal snuff tobacco, and I found that stopping my use of snuff was very easy compaired to coming off the cigs. Good luck.

    It is called Valerian in english, and it is a sedative. It is not homeopathic. It is good for bad nerves and sleep problems.
  11. syx

    syx Active Member

    oh, valerian root isn't it?

    i already use it for my sleeping disorder, I think I'll try hypnotism, I don't believe Chinese herbal stuff..
  12. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    ow...but i did get it in a homeopathic store...ow well it did help me
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Smoking cause impotence and infertility, sorted.
  14. jeebstheman

    jeebstheman Member

    I used to smoke. I ended up smoking about a pack a day the last few of the 8 years that I smoked, but I did end up quitting. It sure is good to be able to taste food again.
    Couldn't quit cold turkey - I found the cravings to shatter my willpower pretty fast. The gum tastes awful... I don't know if they made it more bearable now - that was 10 years ago - yeah. i'm 30 now. Now - doing the math - you would see that I started when i was 12. Yeah. That is correct. I started when i was in 7th grade.
    The patch actually worked for me. The downside to the patch is that it is expensive - but look at the cost of a pack of cigarettes these days. Also the patch ITCHES LIKE CRAZY when you first put it on. It works by giving you a steady dose through the day. as you progress through the weeks using the patch, eventually you are using patches that give you very little nicotine, but you really still have to have some amount of willpower to quit. I am sure there are some people you can see carting around those oxygen tanks - that was scary enough motiviation for me.

    Every so often i get a serious craving to have a cigarette, but that is pretty manageable.
    I've never tried hypnotism - so i can't chime in on the subject.
  15. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Yes it is a root, I am not sure why you do not believe in Chinese medicine as they use valerian root in the same way a western herbalist does. Chinese herbal medicine is very similar to western herbalism.

    An alternative to valerian is hops, the stuff they make beer with. Like valerian it has a very bitter taste, but some people find hops more effective. It is possible to combine the two, this would be more useful to sleep problems than smoking as you will feel very drowsy if you take both. Although this herbal combination is considered safe as with any sedative you must be careful not to take too much, always get the advice of a herbalist.

    Valerian can be used homeopathicly, when used this way it actualy has the opposite effect. Homeopathic valerian is used to treat tiredness and general lack of energy. As a natual root or extract it is not homeopathic, it needs to undergo a long process of dilution to convert it into a homeopathic version.
  16. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    maybe thinking that it helped was all i needen then...
  17. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    No you probably got the right version for you, most homeopathic stores would carry both versions.
  18. syx

    syx Active Member

    smokin is definitely needed to get laid around this part, so, it's a hand for a hand deal mate..

    I'm a veg, so don't actually know how a cold turkey tasted, but smoking did dull my sense of taste..

    I AGREE, ITCHES like hell I can't stand it
  19. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    i don't know...i know it helped ...and i didn't replace the smoking with eating

    but i do think you really need to want it very very bad otherwise you won't quit no matter what you try
  20. syx

    syx Active Member

    Yep, now I got to set my mind straight first then..

    and eventually STOP..