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Help King of Africa DS

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by coracas, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. coracas

    coracas New Member

    I'm enjoying this adventure game but am stuck in the piece where I need to free the leopard from the cage, I've picked up all there is to pick, I'm in the adjacent cage which I've opened with the key but I can't seem to zoom in onto the lever that needs to be activated in order to free the leopard! Can anyone enlighten me on the situation? I've been stuck for the last couple of days. :'(
    Post Merge: [time]1250682440[/time]
    Ok Finally figured it out! Thanks for looking!
  2. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    I'm stuck here too. What's the answer?
  3. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    I'm at the Molgrave Village and need to repair a drum. I found the polopolo fat but can't find the sand dab and 2 plants to make a cured skin to repair the drum.
    I think I'm the only one playing this game here.

    nvm, figured it out.