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Help is my cart fake? I have searched this and other forums

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by freak544, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. freak544

    freak544 New Member

    I recieve my iedge cart this morning from www.r4i.co.uk

    I have put it into my dsi xl and it shows a danny phantom game as the cart

    I have searched this forum and various other ones and it seems the ak2i has the danny phantom on it for firmware 1.4 on the dsi xl

    Now I have tried various tutorials on the internet for seeting it up as an iedge cart and also an ak2i cart but none off them work

    How do I set this cart up and is there any way off telling if it really is an iedge or an ak2i with an iedge sticker on instead

    I have spent the last hour and a half trying different update files and different tutorials for both iedge files and ak2i files

    I would search more but I have to pop out for a little while and I have kind of got stuck on what to do

    Any help is appreciated and if this has been answered elsewhere then I must off missed it when I was searching
  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    It comes up as Danny Phantom because it pretends that it's an actual game.
    So the DSi thinks it's a real game.
  3. duncanlogan

    duncanlogan New Member

    I have exactly the same problem and I purchased mine from the same site which then took over 3 weeks to arrive because they claimed they had been let down by their shipping company. Have we all received fakes??
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as my son is doing my head in as I can't get card to work

    Post Merge: [time]1270572546[/time]
    Freak544, did you look on the rear of the box that the iEdge came in. I just did and discovered that you need to go to http://www.edgei-ds.cn/ instead of http://www.edge-ds.cn/. The card that we have been supplied according to www.edge-ds.cn is a fake????. I have just spent 1/2hr on the R4i.co.uk on line chat who are adamant that this is card is from the same supplier in china, the only difference is it is black and not white.
    I have downloaded the software form the site and the card is working although there appears to be no need to carry out any bootstrapping????

    I am not sure at this point whether I have a card that is fully functional iEdge or whether I really have been sold a less able clone.

    Can anyone suggest the differences between these two sites to put my mind at rest????
  4. freak544

    freak544 New Member

    On the back off my box it also says www.edgei-ds.cn and I did notice www.edge-ds.cn claims it to be fake

    Also mine too a while to come through i ordered it when they had the 30% offer and on live chat they also told me there was stock delays

    Does anyone know anymore about this

    Does the Danny Phantom game come up on the iedge cart thought it was ment to be a sudoku game or just the iedge logo

    Edit: I just followed the instructions on the back off the box a few times and it now seems to be working

    However I haven't tested to see if anything comes up or loads onto it i only managed to get tto the main menu

    Does anyone know if this is a fake or not

    I would like to know how you can teel what type off cart is is as if it is fake i will be trying to request a refund fro r4i.co.uk

    Edit 2: I have found this website which claims the website on the back off my card box is fake so I assume the card must be a fake

    However this website http://www.edgedscards.co.uk/where-to-buy#uk says that www.r4i.co.uk are a seller of this card

    I am just wondering has there been a mix up some where or does r4i not realise they have been sold fake cards or something else

    I knew I should of ordered a different card i was going to choose the ak2i but after reading around on the internet the iedge looked the best for me
  5. freak544

    freak544 New Member

    I guess that no one knows

    Would it be worth trying to get a refund on this card?

    Could someone recommend a different card to me if they would offer me a refund and a different website to order from this card cost me under £17 so i don't really want spend much more than that on one

    I hope some one does know more about this problem

    Edit: I have just ordered myself an ak2i from there I have read a few off the reviews and it seems the ak2i is a genuine card not a fake

    They have an offer on at the moment to hopefully it will be here soon and not 2 weeks like my iedge card took to come through

    The iedge card i got even thought its fake works alot better in my brothers dsl and shows up all games I put onto it on my dsi xl it doesnt show all games very strange

    Does anyone have any information on this iedge card i have as i would like it to have the official iedge software on it if possible or ask for a refund on the card and order hima new one but i dont think he will have any problems as he has a dsl i could be wrong though
  6. sim5728

    sim5728 New Member

    I also ordered the Iedge card from R4i.co.uk during the 30% sale it took about 4 weeks to get to me they claimed they ran out of stock, then the card never arrived and I had to wait 15 days from the shipping date to get a replacement sent which arrived a few days later and turned out to be fake, I am currently trying to get a full refund but they are claiming the card is the same came from the same factory and so on. The Iedge is suppose to come with no software on it but some online store do install it and add the bootstrap for you, the official one has a built in L.E.D which turns on when u got the bootstrap software on your memory card and inserted into an unflashed iedge I assume it only turns on when its unflashed or detects a new bootscrap because the L.E.D is not active at the moment, the icon on the screen with the iedge inserted should be Sudoku and the menu system is completely different on both cards, I also have both the cards here in front of me for comparison, I ordered an Iedge card from another site Tuesday at 12.10am and it came today.

    I have called them on the phone and as soon as they heard the word fake over the phone they got very rude and defensive and I was told I have not done my research properly and am completely wrong was also told I can send it in to be tested for faults, it ain't faulty its a fake I didn't say it wouldn't work but I didn't pay for fake also tried to resolve it via email same problem almost word for word as the telephone conversation luckily I payed through paypal and am trying to get my money back through them I have opened up a dispute with R4i.co.uk if you decide to do the same don't close your dispute before you get you refund because it cant be reopened and they dont have to refund you your money at that point and they will say they cant refund while you have and open dispute they did it to me and its a complete lie.
  7. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    I think it's a clone.