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Help - Front Mission 3

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Soniccjk, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    I got struck in Rural Village crash - tried to work thru it with PSX emulator after using ePSXe but getting error as well - I also using all plugins as suggest(unless i did somethign wrong) in ePSXe tutorial post - I really love to finish emma storyline considering how everyoen say it the best of the two
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    In epsxe have you used the special graphic fixes?

    And what exactly is happening?
  3. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    As I go into Rural Village from Yingko - This is image of error i have receive - speaking of special gfx fix - which fix i use for FM3?


    I hope this explain the issue i have with FM3 crash - it ePSXe 1.7
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Op code...

    Could be the pc it's self-or may I suggest getting another version of epsxe-1.6.0 or 1.5.2 do wonders on some games.

    And is the rom from here?

    (I got passed op codes before but I forgot...my answers are really, just guesses)
  5. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    Yes - I got the game from this site - unless you know really good one that can allow me to get pass the error - so i should get epsxe 1.6 to see if i can get past the error?
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's worth a shot.

    The games from here always work anyways-sometimes we get users who get from other dodgy sites and ask for help.
  7. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    Tried with 1.6 - crash before the map even load up for mission movement into rural village - tried 1.5.2 - same result with 1.7.

    Did i do something wrong with the plugin? I actuall never heard of this game except few days ago but i am already addicted to this classic so any help is appreciate
    Post Merge: [time]1251995413[/time]
    I am pretty sure i did mess up the plugins - anyone who manage to get past/never encounter this issue with front mission 3 with rural village - lemme know how your plugins is setup with ePSXe 1.7
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the special graphic fixes in your plugin options?

    One of them may help...other than that I'm stumped :(
  9. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    Special fix doesnt work at all - i am stumped here as well =( Anyone else who able to help out with this situation?
  10. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Which graphic plugins did you use?

    (psst,I finished the game using 1.7) :)
  11. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    Pete openGL2 Driver 1.7 -

    if possible could i get list of exact plugins you are using to complete emma storylien on front misson 3? and possibel gfx setting - i may need to redownload ePSXe 1.7 to start fresh - maybe i did something wrong with something else i fail to mention.

    I normall run ISO and use frontmission3.bin to run the game - it work fine up to the crash via rural village - i know i can skip emma storyline and try alissa but there reports that emma storylien is far better than alissa which claimed to be a "filler"
  12. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Pete openGL2 Driver 1.7.....-_-"
    ..That's too outdated..
    Go update it ... :)

    Here's what I used... :)
    - Vidoe : Pete openGL2 Driver 2.9
    - Sound: ePSXe SPU core 1.7.0/Pete's Dsound Audio Driver 1.15

    Update your Plugins from Here.... ePSXe Plugin Pack
  13. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    sry it was typo meant to type in 2.7 but i update it to 2.9 and it still crash =( somehow i am not sure what i have done to cause this crash - i am tempt to wipe the state clean to try again - with exception of memory files - should i be putting the game within certain subfolder? it placed outside of epsxe folder files
  14. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    ...It crashed?

    How about make a new folder and then try fresh install?
    (I'm not sure if that work but....try it.. :) )

    Try to tinker with your Video plugins a bit.. :)
    I forgot if I had tinker with mine..
    and Did you own a graphic card?

    Try use the P.E.O.ps soft driver as well, although most people aren't recommend to use it. BUt, just try it.
  15. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    "Did you own a GFX card" i guess i dont cause without it nothign would appear on my monitor unless mobo got fail quality of chip they call as on-board GFX chip =p

    i only joking on above but do i need daemon tool - i am running ISO directly - do i need to "mount" the image and run it? could the issue can appear from it? and if this still fail - i may need to send you my save file to to play one mission to get past the rural village crash if it was stable for you
  16. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    So you didn't have it?
    Try the P.E.Ops plugins that I have told you. ^

    Yes, you can mount it. but It's still work fine without it. I'm also playing it directly.. :)
    Try the above suggestion first, if it still fail, send your save file to me then(PM).. ;)

    Try that plugins(^), or mount it. :)
  17. Soniccjk

    Soniccjk Member

    neither work - i guess i have to send you my save file and get past the rural village mission for me - i appreciate the help from both of you to help with this issue
  18. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    PM me then,
    I'll try to do it.
    But don't expect early reply though because I have work to do, and my emulator a bit...odd recently.. :)
  19. Terrormaster

    Terrormaster Member

    That "op code" fixes can't be evaded. I tried everythig, but this type of fixes wasn't solved even by authors of ePSXe. So don't waste your time and choose another root in game and go through woods (right way, maybe, I mean east way). Or If you REALLY wanna try that mission use russion image, and then change it to your standard english image (that's how I did). It's easy. I can give a link.

    On the first time playing I went east way, and on the second I went through rural village, and I got that bug.