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Help @ Castlevania NDS

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Flipah, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Flipah

    Flipah New Member

    I'm stuck on Castlevania Portrait of RUin.

    the problem is that mi mainc haracter (jonathan) is curse (the sickness that makes him lose all mp). I gave him a lot of potions but nothings works to make his health good again. I gave him the potion that health curses and when I check the start menu he drinks the potion and it apears at the top that his status gets "Good" but when I quit from start menu he starts again with the @#$@$# sickness. What can I do! he doesn't want to go to b good. dammit help! :(
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    You must be equipping a certain ring that gives you the "Curse" status
    Just unequip it
  3. Flipah

    Flipah New Member

    Thankz!!! really thankz that one was the reason, stu#$ ring :) thankz!