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Help buying Flashcard

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Fionn, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. Fionn

    Fionn Active Member

    OK so I'm am getting sick of all this AP crap on my R4 and am deciding to get a good flashcard. I gather that the CycloDS is the best out there so I am wondering do I have look out for fakes and where is the best place on the web to buy one. I live in Ireland (but I can buy off the UK market). Help would be appreciated.
    Post Merge: [time]1268940601[/time]
    Also is the CycloDS better than the Than the Acekard 2i?
  2. Hokap

    Hokap Member

    I bought an Acekard2i from r4i.co.uk, its pretty cheap, but I bought a 4gb Kingston Micro SD card and an Acekard2i for about £25. And they deliver in about 2-3 days, which is really fast. Very reliable.

    I've played on it today, and started SoulSilver, I've got up to the 3rd badge without any crashes, but I don't like how long it takes to save though.

    Cyclods, its about £35 when I checked, its pretty expensive but apparently its the best out there, but compared to Acekard2i, its way to expensive.
  3. Beratia

    Beratia New Member

    Is iPlayer better than CycloDS?
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    No. iPlayer cannot play commercial NDS games.

    The Acekard2i and CycloDS are pretty much on par with each other as far as compatibility. The difference being the compatibility of the Acekard2i comes from an unofficial source. The Acekard2i (with AKAIO at least, never used official Acekard firmware) has a very nice GUI, with SD management, menu system, etc. CycloDS has a very barebones GUI. As far as I know, there is no plans to upgrade the GUI any time soon. It's been suggested on their forums, but always put on the back burner (not even on a burner).

    If the CycloDS had a nicer GUI, I think it would put it above the Acekard, but right now they are pretty much equal (My opinion, of course). Unless you have a DSi of course, since the CycloDS does not have DSi support.