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Help appreciated - R4 SDHC RTS Lite

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Mungosandybanks, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Mungosandybanks

    Mungosandybanks New Member

    Hi All

    I recently bought a R4i SDHC Silver Card for 3DS DSiLL DSiXL DSi DSL DS for my DSi (1.4.5E) from dsgamer.com

    This is the card I received

    I have tried various kernals from r4isdhc but when loading all seem to just cause a black screen.

    I got closer with a version of Wood but that got stuck on loading.

    If anyone could tell me what I need/am missing or if this cart is just bad that would be great
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Here's your image to make it easier for those who wish to respond to you:


    You need to also state what your console (NDS/NDSL/NDSi/3DS) and it's firmware (if it's an NDSi or 3DS) are.
  3. Mungosandybanks

    Mungosandybanks New Member

    Thanks for the reply

    My console is a NDSi running firmware 1.4.5E
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Ok, so here're what you need to know;
    1. WOOD R4 isn't a primary firmware, and it's not compatible with your flash cartridge as it's not among those supported by Yellow Wood Goblin
    who makes WOOD R4 firmware.
    2. Since it seems that you received your flash cart blank (as in not yet installed with latest firmware from seller), while your DSi is already
    v.1.45; that is the problem. You need to borrow or use an NDS/NDSL or an DSI that is below v.1.43 to perform the firmware installation
    before you can use that cart on your DSi v.1.45. You can't perform the installation on your DSi v.1.4.5 because it blocks the use of
    flash cartridges. Thus why you failed to make it work.

    So there, you're questions been answered. Either use your older console (NDS/NDSL) or borrow someone older console or DSI running a firmware below v.1.43, or 3DS below v.4.3.0. If none is available, buy a new cartridge that has been pre-installed with the latest firmware that runs on v.1.4.5 DSi.
  5. Mungosandybanks

    Mungosandybanks New Member

    Thanks again for the very quick reply and help.

    I have a NDSL which I have the card working with using the current firmware version of 5.06 already on the card (this version is compatible with NDSi 1.4.5 according to the manufacturer website).

    If I try to update to a later firmware using the NDSL its asking me to use a later kernel also to perform the update but using a later kernel means I get black screen on the NDSL as well.
    Post Merge: [time]1378572926[/time]
    No idea how but the card has started working on the NDSi 1.4.5E and after some testing is working every attempt so far.

    Thank you for the help.