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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Born2killx, Nov 28, 2007.

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  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone. I'm from New York City... damn, I'm really bad at introductions... I like good grammar, and I get pissed easily at people who can't spend an extra second to type out their sentences like someone who actually went to school. Oops, did I diss people already? Bad first impression... ::) Well, I hope I can get along with all you guys, you all seem so friendly and awesometastic. ;D
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Welcome to the forums :)
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    wlcme bddy gud 2 c sum new faces.

    Just kidding :)
  4. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Romulation. :)

    Also nice net speed. *drools*
  5. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Born2killx, then you should use the sig me and the other guys are using. Support good grammar!
  6. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member


    yeah, solus is right, we, me, conjy and solus, as far as i know, are trying to start a revolution against chatspeak, and we're starting with romulation... i think everyone should join us...
  7. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Welcome ;D ;D ;D
  8. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I used to use that sig in some other forums I joined in the past. Guess I'll use it here, too. :D
  9. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the team. Oh and airsoft uses it too just so you know.
  10. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    ^ the more the best
  11. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Good grammar For the win!

    Oh and welcome
  12. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    Yay! Good grammar revolution. :D
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