Hi all, I discovered your great site via Google and was blown away by all the great content. I had to join and hopefully will be able to contribute what little I know in the future I use an NDS and have recently bought a PSP so want to build up my library without being fleeced. I live in Europe and VAT is making buying games ever more expensive How can I tell if a game is suitable for PSP as opposed to Playstation??) I like puzzle games like Professor Layton. Is the new Zelda game as good as that? Other than that I like the Need for Speed series. Keep up the good work!!
Hi! Romulation does NOT host PSP games, although under Affiliates on the Homepage there is a link. I like both series, really, all I can recommend is to try them. Although get the Phantom Hourglass one first as the other has serious AP, depending upon your flash cart you may need to patch it. Anyway, Welcome to Romulation!