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hello Out there

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by LastMonsta, Oct 9, 2007.

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  1. LastMonsta

    LastMonsta New Member

    high Just saying little hi to yo all.
    Im a rom newbie as far as they go. I have just downloaded the update fo rmy R4 and now have updated the software/ :eek:

    The one thing that i am trying to find out is how can i add Music and video's to my R4. I know how to add the roms and all.
    If anyone can please help me by telling me or showing me what im doing wronge. On the Main menu when i click on the media buttone i get an errror but its up for to short a time to know what it says.

    ANy hel will be much appreciated
  2. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    Hy! First of all, welcome to romulation, the best ROM site around!

    I get the error too, but my moonshell (media player) seems to work withouut any problems...
    In order to watch movies on your R4, you must open the program 'DPGenc.exe', which is in the moonshell folder on the R4 CD. (if not, you can download it) Drag the movie you want to encode into the DPG program window, and it start encoding automatically... Just wait 'till it's finished, and then put the new DPG file onto your R4 main folder.
    The DPG program will be much smaller then the normal movie file... Don't worry; DPG files ARE much smaller, for the visuals are slightly reduced...

    Good luck!
  3. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member


    sry i cant answer many rom questions

    but still
  4. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation, LastMonsta. While I can't personally answer your R4-related question, I'm sure someone will know the answer. :p
  5. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Welcome, to add media you need to convert videos (an app. called BatchDPG will do this for you) and MP3s should be able to be just added. Just paste them strait onto your SD like you do with your roms.
  6. grounder

    grounder Member

    Yo! (that's my current favorite word) Welcome to Romulation, LastMonsta. Be sure to check out the usual forum games. There are some people who need mental treatment on there, and that's including me.
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