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hello from a lurker

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by dagen, Jan 6, 2010.

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  1. dagen

    dagen Member

    Hello romUlation community.

    I have been checking this site for about a year now and only recently really noticed that there was a forum :-[.
    The title was because Every forum I have ever tried to be a part of, in a month or two I would just lurk.
    But the fact that I check the roms daily, I hope that wont happen this time.
    I am 13 and I am a big fan of video games, music, art of all kinds different forms and reading.
    I own a PS3, ps2 and n64 Though I am not a Playstation fanboy.
    I love to read and often will stay up till 3 in the morning reading.
    I am home schooled and have been my whole life.
    So that's all I can think of so I will end it here.
  2. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    Well welcome to romulation :)
  3. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Romulation, enjoy your stay here ! ;D
  4. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    Hey Dagen! Welcome to RomU : )

    What's your favorite book?
  5. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Stop lurking, and start stalking! Nah, better yet, enjoy the rich tapestry we call the Rom U community. Enjoy your stay, however extended or brief it maybe. And of course, keep it civil.
  6. BlackWolf

    BlackWolf Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the community! :D
  7. dagen

    dagen Member

    Thank you, thank, thank you very much. *bows *
    Ah favorite book him *goes over to review his books* hmm well here a shortlist.
    Here there be dragons and the rest of the series.
    Borrible trilogy.
    So you want to be a wizard and the rest of the series.
    Eragon and Eldest dislike Brisingr.
    Over sea and under stone and the rest of the series.
    and my favorite is probably the Golden compass and Amber spyglass though the subtle knife was good.
    I likes books a lot also acting which I forgot to mention.
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