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Hello all.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Snopel, Apr 6, 2010.

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  1. Snopel

    Snopel New Member

    Hi. The name's Snopel. =)
    I have just registered here and I am very interested in this stuff. lol.
    I only use a ePSXe 1.7.0 emulator and a Project 64 emulator, as well as VisualBoyAdvanced and for off-computer, an AceKard. Not sure which version.
    Basically I'm 14 years of age and live in Victoria Australia... which no one ever lives. >.>
    So I hope my time on this site will be pleasant and hopefully I won't go crazy and get kicked off. =\

    For any of you to answer IF ITS ALLOWED, what is this "point system" on game downloading? Because I tried to download something and it says "Not enough points". Is there a way to see how many points I have or need?
    If you can't answer that or if it's in the wrong forum, well then I apologize. =|

    Thanks for reading. =)
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Points are on your profile on the main site. They're there to control the bandwidth usage basically. You get 50 points every 24 hours and the games that cost points are any of the games that are over 50 MB

    The point cost is based on the file size basically, so if you download a 60 MB game, then it'll be 60 points, but if you download a 45 MB games it won't cost anything.

    I'm guessing that you've been downloading PSX ISOs judging from your interests and those files are rather big so that's likely why it's saying "Not enough points."


    ^ This page will go into more detail than I care to go into at the moment. Welcome to the site.
  3. Snopel

    Snopel New Member

    @Reider: Oh dear. So that means I need 510 points! O_O;
    Anyway, thanks so much for your help and now I understand. And also thanks for your welcome. ^_^
  4. dean89

    dean89 Well-Known Member

    Welcome Snopel, too bad you haven't been around that long, but some users don't even know what to do with their millions of points. Sad fact, they can't share with you. Guess you'll just have be be very patient, or at least try, so don't go crazy and get kicked off XD
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