So let's say you can only choose one thing, Health or Wealth which one will you take? For me I think I will prefer having Health over Wealth. You got all the money in the world and you do not have the life to spend it ;D
Re: Money Or Wealth Title is wrong, XD I honestly believe that Wealth can improve your health as well. People without money are more stressed, and this leads to health problems as well. Also, with enough money, most diseases can become manageable. But health is a large portion of your life.... The best answer would be a healthy (pun!) balance between the two. But since you asked for one....Wealth XD
Re: Money Or Wealth its health not wealth as money = wealth, you cant be wealthy if you are poor. also with money, you can buy health. a simple example is, when you fall sick, you need to see a doctor to get the cure, and you paid the doctor handsomely when you get your medication. that is buying health. plus whats the point of having a great health if you are going to be miserable and poor for your whole life? so Money is way more importance then health.
Re: Money Or Wealth Mo' Money Mo' Bitches Shit, look at Tiger, ain't nobody fucking John Daly. Kidding aside, Wealth does actually buy health, it'd also buy a personal trainer, a cook, a health advisor, and other things.
If you eat healthily, exercise regularly, you can earn money even when you are very old. For those that choose wealth, you may abandon your health and earn all the money you want, and use the money to treat your illness when possible. Isn't it wrong?
what's wealth without health? when you're healthy, you can work your way to wealth and so much more. but when you're unhealthy.. wealth can only relieve the pain.
define how healty you are. Either way I would choose health but I mean I would possible choose wealth because I will just donate all of it when I die to Breast Cancer Research and other such health stuff
but without wealth, you have no way to paid for your food and water, without food and water, are you bound to get sick, if you are sick, you just lose your health. with wealth, if you get sick, you can get royal treatment from the world best hospital and doctors, you'll get well in no time. another example of with wealth, you can buy health. no, health is just not getting sick, being young have nothing to do with how healthy you are. otherwise, no children will get sick.
I personally think health's more important. Sure, you're miserable without money, and you ain't gettin' a piece of that new shiz - but hey! You're alive, right? Not all diseases can be cured by money. We have half a mile long of diseases we either don't understand or can't heal yet. With disease, comes pain. With pain, comes suffering - and I think the kind of pain you suffer when your organs fail and your leg looks like an elephant foot from water retention is worse than living without state of art facilities. What's a few bucks to all that? You can't exactly enjoy all that money when you're suffering from problems left and right. Spoiler That said...Money is kinda important too. You get stressed out and you start picking fights with each other over the money issue. But if I have to choose one, still money.
A good combination of both. With wealth, you can fix lots of health problems except incurable diseases, with health, you can work your way up to wealth. But who's to say you won't lose your health while doing so?
Why do people keep thinking that money is used to treat yourself when you are ill.. If you are Healthy means illness and diseases won't find you and you won't get sick ;D
Can't make money if you're sick but when you're sick you need money to get better. So I'd say a good measure of both would be the best. But if I had to choose I'd rather be healthy and enjoy a simple life than be filthy rich but on life support.
Personally, I think they go hand in hand. If you have wealth, you can afford the best doctors and medical treatment in the world. If you have health, you can work to earn money to become wealthy, which then leads to being able to get the best doctors. Kind of a circular answer, but hey.