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Having Problems With A Game

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by rigg619420, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. rigg619420

    rigg619420 Member

    The last post I left, I posted in the support forum instead of technical help lol any way, I just downloaded Marvel vs Capcom Clash of the Super Heroes. Some times it will be in slow mo. and some times it won't be. None of my other games do that. Would it be the game it self? I even tried to run in full screen and in window mode and still does it. Can someone please help me solve this issue? Thanks.
  2. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Try getting the latest emulator.
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You still haven't given some pretty important information. How are you playing the game, what emulator, what version, what plugins you are using.

    Also helpful will be your computer specs. Operating System, RAM, Video Card, Processor.
  4. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    If that's the PS1 game and you're using PSXFin (which i suggest you do) then try going into Config>Graphics> then turn of Vertical Sync in windowed and fullscreen.
    That's what i did and it helped tons.
    If you aren't using PSXFin, then try it anyway and maybe it will help.
  5. rigg619420

    rigg619420 Member

    im using epsxe 1.7.0 could be just the emulator? what version of PSXFin should i use?
    Post Merge: [time]1270871679[/time]
    well I just grabbed the psxfin 1.7 and tried to config my controller, the game runs fine now, but now my controllers are ass backwards. Down is up and left is right. What's up with that? I tried to appy my d pad and they go back to same crap. I now tried the virsion 1.13 which is the highest one, and still same crap. It's frustrating me big time.
  6. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    You did the same thing i did at the beginning i think.
    First off when you go to the controller config the icons for the D-Pad aren't arrows.
    So the smaller end is not the direction. Use the direction button towards the flat end since it's a copy of the actual PS1 gamepad which has squared outer edges and beveled inner ones.
    If that doesn't work then just map it backwards.
    Either way i am glad the game works for you.
  7. rigg619420

    rigg619420 Member

    Yeah I kinda figured that out of all that damn frustration lol thanks for the tip on this emulator. It's a hell of a lot better than epsxe. Hell of a lot better man. Thanks again. If I find another thing wrong or need help with this here emulator, I know just who to talk too ha ha Hey how do you add a buddy on here or a friend?
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Your issues with ePSXe would be resolved by using a different configuration. ePSXe is the most compatible of the PSX emulators. The others, like pSX or psxfin may seem easier to use, but that's just because you don't have to (and can't) change a lot of the plugin information. Which makes it less compatible.
  9. rigg619420

    rigg619420 Member

    Oh ok. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thanks.
  10. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    He's right, the reason i like PSXfin is because it's more compatible without fiddling with settings.
    If you're patient enough to work through ePSXe's settings for every game's problems then you can get most game working great in the end.
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Most games work with a single setting. Usually Pete's OpenGL2 or D3D with the nice settings. Very few games I've tried (which are many games) have any issues with this setup.