introduction romulation before you start commenting this topic you gotta think rational towards this discussion im not delusional or having halucination its true i experienced this its kinda creeped me out my house has four bedroom one bedroom is recently is unused because my brother moved out now its become a clothing storage room last night i turned off my kitchen and my sense is strong that some body was watching me on random places and i was like " its just my imagination " as continue walking towards my computer i looked back theres a white figure appear and it disspear without realizing my heartbeat was beating faster i was brave to checked out what the hell is going on with that storage room as i checked in no one was there and i was like " ok if you want to play with me just do what you wanna do dont disturb me you just a house spirit nothing else " i was frightened. the next which is today heavy rain on my town the storage room 1st floor which is used to be my 1st brother bedroom you can hear heavy wind on that room a strange loud knocking conintues to haunt me i was like " ok dude just think of this its like a horror game , monster trying to messed out your mind " after that i went investigate again on the empty room and i was like " wtf are you guys trying to do , if you mess with me again im not afraid to speak with you" ------------------------------------------------------------- now from my statement this clearly not a delusional , not too much playing games its me since i was a kid i can see the undead but not clearly just for a short temporary eye seight , i can feel the energy as the sciencefict words mentioned in ghost movie " ecto-plasm" which is spirit energy can contact human being ... discussion help on how i can handle this kinda sitution
No... I was playing games so many good releases this week The world ends with you Rondo of Swords Pokemon Mystery Dungeon I've beaten The world ends with you, and Pokemon already..Rondo is so annoying and I'll be gone for a while, I'm going to Hong Kong tomorrow