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Hasn't Hero's Saga relaeased?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Pyrochaser, Oct 20, 2009.

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  1. Pyrochaser

    Pyrochaser Member

    I thought this game released already? Any signs of when it will show up on RomUlation? Just curious and trying to keep tabs on it. Looks like it will be a great RPG. I am happy to say though that a great deal of RPG's have released on DS. I will give Nintendo the credit for always releasing really great RPG's and having many to choose from. Still waiting for some good ones on ps3 lol.
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    When its dumped it'll be on RomU.
    Just wait patiently,okay. :)
  3. Pyrochaser

    Pyrochaser Member

    I am sure it will make it to RomUlation thanks for the encouragement. Excited for some new RPG stories :)
  4. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member


    Seems like another run-of-the-mill RPG. ;_; I'm waiting too though. If you like Civ/city planning games, try Dawn of Discovery, it's really fun. ^^
  5. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    "404- page not found" :(
  6. SecretDL

    SecretDL Member

    I'm also looking forward to this release - the Nintendo Power review was positive (7/10) and it looks great for SRPG fans. People are having difficulty finding this in stores, but you can bet we'll be playing it soon thanks to RomU.
  7. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    this game is taking forever to release(rom that is)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    but i got to admit nostalgia is goin to a relly good game...
    i was hoping hero's saga wud have been released by now so i can finish it before nostalgia come out.................:(
  8. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    zomg, I hope we don't have to wait as long for Nostalgia to hit. >_< I'm really looking forward to that, it'll kill me. lol

    I don't know how I broke that link. .__.;;
  9. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    ..... i just give up on USA nds game already... they always slow when it come to dumping... see the wizard OZ case? and japanese game always dump it faster ... 1 days earlier and sometimes 2 weeks earlier... +.+ .. man, seriously what the problem with USA nds game dump nowadays?
  10. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Because the japanese games release first.
    You can't dump a game if it dosen't exist.
  11. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    doesn't exist? some guys already have the game 1 week before the actual release date.. thats applied to both nostalgia and hero's saga... go gamefags and see the screenshot of the game copy they have it.. well, i think thats depend on the person whatever that person want to dump it or not.. or some other reason?
  12. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Screenshots might be leaked from developers or from magazines scans...
    And not everybody possess tools needed for dumping a game so they might not be able to dump it...
  13. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    I'm waiting for this game too, actually, along with Nostalgia.
    I was bored enough to do a general Yahoo search for a Laevatein Tactics rom, and I got some results that pointed to several sources for it from Torrent. However, they all re-directed me to sites that restrict downloads to members, and membership doesn't come free. >>
  14. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    This is heading to just another of these boring Request-Topics (really, can`t read them anymore - and I`m only a FEW Months around here). yeah, the World`s gonna end if it isn`t dumped within the next 7 Days, `cause Armageddon`s near. ;) We all know...
  15. saber144

    saber144 New Member

    Funny thing is.. it doesn't seem like there is any body that is that enthusiastic about this game yet... so its more of a discuss topic right now.

    Just a note but I think games like these would take a bit longer for someone/group to dump them cause of unpopularity,etc.
  16. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    yeah, more and less... i kinda thinking most rpg nowadays is threated like shit and not popular except for those poketard and etc(lazy to list it)...
  17. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    No need for insults.
    And be grateful people are going to dump it in the first place.
    They can choose not to bother dumping the game you know.
  18. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member


    yes, but nothings wrong about a discuss-topic, as long as the discussion doesn`t circle around "when it`s finally dumped?". I mean...there are Topics here in the Nintendo-section (Super Robot Taisen, Might & Magic, Element Hunters) with nice Infos, Screenshots and opinions/expactations of the Fans who are waiting for their Games - it`s very interesting. And that`s how it should be done if your enthusiastic waiting for this Game. anyway;Lets see if this topic here is still alive WHEN the Game is dumped (like the "Wizard of Oz". :)
  19. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Then let me post some info of the game for discussion! :D

    Hero's Saga: Laevatein Tactics
    Genre: Strategy Turn-based

    Game Description:
    The Story So Far... When a strange girl hands Ernesto, the young prince of Valencia, a mysterious sword and tells him to save his friends, he thinks nothing of using the magical blade to fight off an undead attack. Little does he know that such a small choice will spark a war that will rage across the continent of Yulamecca and beyond... "Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics really brings back the spirit of SRPGs of old," said Frank "Bo" deWindt II, Project Lead, Aksys Games. "You can definitely see bits and pieces of many SRPGs, like Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre, lending their influence to help inspire a stellar game." - gamefaqs.com


    Screenshots: - ign.com

    What I think of the game? (Based on the vid on youtube)
    The Battle Map has the generic type of landscape which everyone seems too familiar. The battle system though is quite unique, from the youtube video, your platoon seems to be your firepower and sentinel while your hero can use some summoning element of some sort. In addition, your platoon can change formation, 2:46(youtube). These formation can, perhaps, increase/decrease atk% and def% proportionally... i don't know. Well, it gives the player some strategy that's for sure.

    The background music in the battle map seems dull and boring. It didn't fetch the theme of a war. The on-battle music is also slow which looks like the battle has no effort or inspiration. Overall, I don't like the music presented at all.

    There's a plethora of strategy games that involves single class/job with a number of characters placed in the battlefield but not this. It may not be much but they gave me a chance to look at this game differently.

    No comment on story. Don't want to get ahead of myself without knowing how they presented it.

    Now disagree with me so we can have a discussion while waiting for this game... or not. :D
  20. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    Actually, I was wondering about something in terms of gameplay, something I haven't seen mentioned in reviews or discussion boards.
    Is it a free-roaming game [like FFTA2], or does it unfold in chapters [like the earlier Fire Emblems and Valkyrie Profile: CoP]? I've always been a bit iffy when it comes to SRPGs that are chapter-based. Not only does it move too quickly for me, but if you didn't distribute the experience properly in the previous battles, it becomes a hassle to build up an inexperienced unit.
    Looking at the video for the gameplay, it looks like it's free-roaming, but I might well be wrong.
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