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harvest moon ds

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by deank27, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    hey so... in harvest can u still access the heart event even if the heart is higher? i mean for example can i still access the purple event if the girl's heart is blue?

    Edit : i didn't want to make a new post so does anyone have the ar code for 60 sprites that works for the v1.11 if u have it pls post it ty

    Edit : nvm i'll just use the trick where u reload if the weather is bad.

    Last Edit : Will the villagers hate me if i make buildings out of golden lumber?
  2. wld_tiger

    wld_tiger Member

    yes you can trigger a heart event even if it is higher but you have to do it in time for example if it is triggerd on 3 pm on wednesday it will only be triggerd on 3 pm on wednesday got it

    here is a list of heart events (taken from a guide)

    X. All Heart Events and Rival Heart Events:


    Birthday: 6 Spring
    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Cake
    Affection Point Gifts: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Perfume, Yarn, all Flowers,
    almost all Fruits

    Most Favourite Item: Cake (+800 AP +9 FP)
    Favourite Items: Yarn, Diamond, Pink Diamond (+500 AP +9 FP)
    Next Favourite Items: All Flowers, All Jewelry, Sunblock, Grapes, Apples,
    Peaches, Milk (+300 AP +3 FP)

    Items she dislikes: All grasses, Fodder, Bird Feed (-500 AP -3 FP)
    Items she detests: Poisonous Mushroom, All Ores, Rubbish (-800 AP -9 FP)

    Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

    Most Hated Item (Secret Weapon item): Pickled Cucumber (-5000 AP -20 FP)

    Her responses:

    'Huh, a present? Thank you. I love this.' for diamond, yarn (+500 +9FP)

    'It's really pretty. Huh... you're giving it to me? Th... thank you.' for
    earrings (+300 AP and +3 FP) (+1 FP as second gift)

    'I've only seen it in town. I'll take good care of it.' for sunblock (+300
    AP and +3 FP) (+1 FP as second gift)

    'I'm happy. Thank you.' for Toy Flower (+300 AP and +3 FP) (+1 FP as
    second gift)

    'Thank you' for chocolate, egg (+100 AP and +1 FP)

    'Thank you,' for fish, rice ball (no effect)

    'I hate this the most in the entire world! You're awful!!' if you give her
    pickled cucumber! (Secret Weapon to lower her heart level quickly) (-5000 AP -
    20 FP)

    Recipe for Cake:

    Fruit (one Fruit: can use a Strawberry)
    Cook in Oven.
    N.B. Butter is made by placing Milk in a Mixer

    Celia's Heart Events

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: any rainy day but Monday in Vesta's
    farmhouse, 10.00 a.m. to 5.50 p.m
    2nd heart event, aka Purple Heart Event: any day but Monday, walking from
    Main Path to Goddess Pond, 3.30 to 5.50 p.m.
    3rd heart event, aka Blue Heart Event: rainy day at Dr. Hardy's clinic, 6.00
    a.m. to noon.
    4th heart event, aka Yellow Heart Event: 4.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but
    Tuesday or Wednesday at the Blue Bar (The event cannot occur on Tuesday, as
    Karen visits on that day and Celia stays with her in her bedroom. It cannot
    occur on Wednesday as the Blue Bar is shut that day.)

    Celia's Rival Heart Events

    Your rival for Celia is Marlin.

    1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event: at Vesta's farmhouse, 5.00
    p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday
    2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event: 2nd year or later, walking
    from Main Path to Vesta's farm, 5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday
    3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event: 3rd year or later, at
    Vesta's Shop, 5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday
    4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Heart Event: 4th year or later, walk from
    Main Path to Vesta's shop, 5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday


    Birthday: 16 Winter
    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Rainbow Curry
    Affection Point Gifts: most fruits, most vegetables, chocolate, fish, Cheese,
    Milk, Yarn, wine

    Flora shares a tent with Carter, the resident archaeologist. Although she
    obviously rather fancies him, she will fall in love with you if you court
    her. She either is a terrible cook or Carter is extremely ungrateful as he
    complains bitterly about the food she prepares for him. She can be found at
    6.00 a.m. in the tent to the left of the Excavation Site and during the day,
    she can be found inside the Excavation Site. Tuesday is her 'day off' and on
    that day, in sunny weather, she will walk to the Sprite Company Tree and later
    stand on the bridge gazing at the river. On rainy Tuesdays, she can be found
    in the lobby of the Inner Inn, where most of the girls gravitate on rainy days.

    Most Favourite Item: Rainbow Curry (+800 AP +9 FP)
    Favourite Items: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Lithograph (+500 AP +9 FP)
    Next Favourite Items: All Fruits, Most Vegetables, Fish, Chocolate, Wine
    (+300 AP +3 FP)

    Items she Dislikes: All grasses, all jewelry, sunblock, Stone, Lumber (-500
    AP -3 FP)
    Items she Detests: Poisonous Mushrooms, Rubbish, Fodder, Bird Feed ( -800
    AP -9 FP)

    Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

    Secret Weapon item (most detested to drop her AP by 5000 points): Red Grass


    'I'm gonna' get angry! I hate this the most. I'll give it to the
    professor.' for Red Grass (-5000 AP)

    'Is it alright? Yeah, I'm gonna' dig in.' for diamond (+500 AP +9 FP)

    'Heh he he he. I like this you know. Thank you.' for chocolate (+300 AP
    +3 FP)

    'Thank you.' for bamboo shoot (+100 AP +1 FP)

    'I'll have some, but I really don't care for it too much.' lumber, grasses (-
    3 FP)

    I'll have some, but actually I hate it. I'll give it to the professor'. for

    Her conversation at the Excavation Site:

    At yellow heart: Freyr~. Thanks for your hard work~. How's the work
    going? I can't find antthing at all~ Well...

    Recipe for Rainbow Curry:

    Blue Curry
    Green Curry
    Red Curry
    Yellow Curry
    Orange Curry
    Purple Curry
    Indigo Curry
    Curry Rice

    Cook in Pot.

    N.B. Each of the above individual Curries is made using Rice Ball, Curry
    Powder and the Grass of that specific colour.

    You will find Flora most days in the Excavation Site. On Tuesday, she takes
    a 'day off' and can be found outside the Sprite Company Tree at noon. On
    rainy afternoons, you will find her in the Lobby of the Inner Inn.

    It is when she is at the Excavation Site that her responses depend on heart

    At blue heart she says: When I'm excavating here, time flies, and sometimes I
    forget to even make meals. Hee hee hee.

    Flora's Heart Events

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: any day 11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at
    the Excavation Site
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: Inner Inn, lobby, 6.00 p.m to 7.50
    p.m. on any day except Tuesday (rain or sun)
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: walking from Vesta's farm to
    Waterfall on any sunny day except Sunday, 11.20 p.m. to 12.00 a.m.
    4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: at Excavation Site, 7.30 a.m. to
    7.50 p.m. on any sunny day except Tuesday

    Flora's Rival Heart Events

    Your rival for Flora is Carter.

    1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event: Excavation site, 9.00
    a.m. to 10.50 a.m. any day but Tuesday
    2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event: Excavation site, 11.00
    a.m. or after, any day except Tuesday
    3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event: Excavation Site, 1.00
    p.m. to 2.50 p.m. any day except Tuesday
    4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event: Excavation Site, 3.00
    p.m. to 4.50 p.m. any day except Tuesday


    Birthday: 29 Spring
    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Relax Tea
    Affection Point Gifts: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Perfume, all Flowers,
    Chocolate, all Gems, Wool, Yarn

    Lumina lives with her grandmother Romana at the Villa, which is located in the
    northwest corner of the Valley. Her bedroom is on the second floor of the
    Villa and she can be found there at 6.00 a.m. each morning. Later, she walks
    to the Goddess Pond. On rainy days, you will find her in the lobby of the
    Inner Inn. In the late afternoon, she returns to the Villa and plays the
    piano in the front parlour there. Lumina is fascinated with entertainment
    technology and the desire of her heart is to acquire a DVD player. Her best
    friend is Mary from Mineral Town. You can find both girls in Lumina's bedroom
    after 8.00 a.m. on Monday mornings.

    On Saturday morning, Lumina goes to the Beach.

    It is interesting to note that Lumina apparently has a weakness for baby
    animals. Whenever you use Miracle Animal Potion, and whenever a baby animal
    is born on your farm, her heart level will increase.

    Most Favourite Item: RelaxTea (+800 AP +9 FP)
    Favourite Items: Diamond, Pink Diamond (+500 AP +9 FP)
    Next Favourite Items: Sunblock, Bread, Chocolate, all Flowers, all Gems
    (+300 AP +3 FP)

    Items she Dislikes:

    All grasses (-500 AP -3 FP)
    Poisonous Mushroom, Golden Lumber, Bird Feed, Fodder, Rubbish (-800 AP -9 FP)

    Most Hated item: Elli Leaves (-5000 AP -20 FP)

    Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

    Actual responses:

    For weed: 'I'm not feeling well...'

    '...................................' for Elli Leaves (Most Hated Item) (-
    5000 AP -20 FP)

    Recipe for Relax Tea:

    Relax Tea Leaves (purchase at Casino Window or make in your Kitchen)

    Cook in Pot.

    Lumina's Heart Events

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: at Romana's mansion, any evening from
    7.30 to 7.50 p.m.
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: 6.00 a.m. at home, must own DVD
    Player, and must be sunny day. If you oversleep, you will not experience it!
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: exit Sprite Company Tree, 3.40 p.m.
    to 5.50 p.m. any sunny day
    4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: Lumina's Bedroom, any sunny day,
    9.00 p.m. to 10.50 p.m.

    Lumina's Rival Heart Events

    Your rival for Lumina's heart is Rock.

    1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event: Exiting the Sprite Tree,
    11.00 a.m. to 12.50 p.m. on a sunny Tuesday
    2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event: at Beach, 11.00 a.m. to
    12.50 p.m. on Saturday
    3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event: leaving Sprite Company
    Tree 11.00 a.m. to 12.50 p.m. on Tuesday (unfortunately, you will see the 4th
    Rival Heart Event instead of the 3rd in the English version and it will end at
    the beach)
    4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event: at Beach, 11.00 a.m. to
    12.50 p.m. on Saturday (you will have seen this event before, but you must
    experience it again in the 4th year if you wish the couple to marry)


    Birthday: 5 Summer

    Muffy works at the Blue Bar with Griffin in the evenings. She is a very open-
    hearted girl with a love of life and is very sociable. You can find her in
    her bedroom at the very back of the Blue Bar at 6.00 a.m. in the morning. You
    need to climb the ladder in Griffin's room to reach her bedroom. When she is
    there, her conversation will be the same no matter what her heart level is.
    It is when you speak to her in the Blue Bar in the evening that her dialogue
    will change according to her heart level.

    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Apple Pie
    Affection Point Gifts: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Jewelry, Wine, Chocolate, Flour,
    Moondrop Flower, Flour, Banana, Orange, Pineapple

    Most Favourite Item: Apple Pie (+800 AP +9 FP)
    Favourite Items: All Jewelry, Diamonds, Wine (+500 AP +9 FP)
    Next Favourite items: Moondrop Flower, Chocolate, Flour, All Fruits,
    Sunblock, Bread (+300 AP +3 FP)

    Items that she dislikes:

    All grasses, Lumber (-500 AP -3 FP)

    Items she detests:

    All Ores, Poisonous Mushrooms, Rubbish, Fodder, Bird Feed (-800 AP -9 FP)

    Most Hated Item (Secret Weapon): Small Fish (-5000 AP -20 FP)

    Show her your Cat for +1 FP.

    Actual responses:

    'A birthday present? It looks expensive, is it ok? I'll take good care of
    it. (for earrings on her birthday)

    'Wow, it's wonderful. I really like stuff like this. Thank you.' for Wine

    'Oh, how gorgeous. What? You're giving it to me? I really like you,
    Freyr!'' for all Jewelry (+500 AP +3 FP) (+3 as second gift)

    'I've wanted one for awhile! Thank you!!' for skin lotion (+500 +3 FP)

    Yuck! What is this?' for weed (-800 AP -9 FP)

    'Don't do this again! I can't stand this thing!' for small fish (-5000 AP -
    20 FP) (Secret Weapon item to decrease AP)

    Recipe for Apple Pie:


    Cook in Oven.

    Muffy's dialogue:

    At the blue Bar at blue heart level, she will say: Freyr, let's go on a date

    At the Blue Bar at yellow heart, she will say: Hee hee (heart) When you're
    tired, take a break here and reenergise.'

    At the Blue Bar at orange heart, she will say: So you've come over. You're
    welcome. I'm happy you've stopped by...

    Muffy's Heart Events

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: at Blue Bar 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: at Beach, 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
    any rainy day but Wednesday
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: at Blue Bar, 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
    any day but Wednesday
    4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: when you exit farmhouse, 9.20 a.m. to
    noon. on a sunny Summer day

    Muffy's Rival Heart Events:

    Your rival for Muffy's heart is Griffin.

    1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event: Blue Bar, 9.00 a.m. to
    10.50 a.m. any day but Wednesday (must be a rainy day)
    2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event: from your Farm to Main
    Path, 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. any day but Wednesday
    3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event: Blue Bar, rainy day from
    9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. any day but Wednesday
    4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event: Blue Bar, rainy day from
    9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. any day but Wednesday


    Birthday: 24 Fall
    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Gratin
    Affection Point Gifts: Wild Grapes, Grapes, Red MagicGrass, Fish, Cut Gems,

    Nami is a bohemian who travels frequently. She is a bit of a 'waif' or lost
    soul and Ruby has adopted a maternal role towards her. Although rather
    unfriendly at the start, once you break through her defences, she proves to be
    kinder and more considerate than you may have thought originally. She was a
    sportscaster in Magical Melody but left that job apparently long ago.

    If you have connected to the GBA FoMT or MFoMT, you will experience a scene
    involving Nami and Cliff from Mineral Town. In this scene, Nami claims that
    she was the one who helped Cliff when he passed out in the snowstorm in Rose
    Square. If you recall your FoMT or MFoMT game, however, you will remember
    that it was you, not Nami who rescued Cliff!

    Most Favourite Item: Gratin (+800 AP +9 FP)
    Favourite Items: Grape, Wild Grape, Red MagicGrass Flower, the Suns,
    Lithograph (+500 AP +9 FP)
    Next Favourites: Fish, Cut Gems, Wine (+300 AP +3 FP)

    Items she dislikes: All Flowers, All Grasses, All Jewelry, All Ores, (-500
    AP -3 FP)
    Items she detests: Poisonous Mushroom, Bird Feed, Fodder, Rubbish (-800 AP -9

    Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

    Most Hated Item (Secret Weapon to decrease AP): Grape Jam (-5000 AP -20 FP)

    Actual Responses:

    'Gratin! It looks delicious. Huh? You're giving it to me? Thank you.'
    (+800 AP +9 FP)
    'Oh, you're so generous. Thank you. I'll accept it.' for any fish (+300 AP
    +3 FP) (+1 as second gift)
    'You have a lot of things. I'll accept it.' (+1000 AP, +1 FP) for
    chocolate, flour, bamboo shoot

    'It might come in handy... I guess I'll accept it.' for weed
    'What's this?.......................... ' for bird feed (-800 AP -9 FP)

    'Oh no. I hate this the most... I'm giving it to Ruby... (-5000 AP -20 FP)
    (Secret Weapon item)

    Recipe for Gratin:


    Cook in the Oven.

    Nami's Heart Events

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: Lobby of Inner Inn, 12.00 p.m. to 2.00
    p.m. any rainy Tuesday
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: Lobby of Inner Inn, 6.00 a.m. to
    12.00 p.m.
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: your Farmhouse, 6.00 a.m.
    4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: exit your Farmhouse, any sunny day,
    6.00 a.m. to noon

    Nami's Rival Heart Events

    Your rival for Nami is Gustafa

    1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event: Exit from the Beach,
    3.20 p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday
    2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event: at the Beach, 12.00 p.m.
    to 3.00 p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday or Thursday
    3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event: Beach, 12.00 p.m. to 3.00
    p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday or Thursday
    4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event: Exit from the Beach,
    12.00 p.m. to 2.50 p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday or Thursday

    Harvest Goddess

    Birthday: 8 Spring

    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Strawberries
    Affection Point Gifts: Pineapples, all Fruits, all Vegetables, Eggs, Milk

    The Harvest Goddess lives in the Goddess Pond north of the Sprite Company
    Tree, but until she is rescued, you will not be able to meet her. When you
    have rescued your 60th Sprite, she will return to the Valley. From that point
    on, you will be able to meet her whenever you throw an offering into the
    Goddess Pond. Her Most Favourite item is a Strawberry. Although you will be
    able to see her Heart colour, you will not see her AP and FP points even if
    you are wearing the Love Bangle when you visit her.

    Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

    Harvest Goddess' Heart Events

    The Harvest Goddess' Heart Events basically are a matter of meeting specific
    requirements, not that different from the requirements for marrying her in

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: find 60 Sprites
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: achieve 10,000 steps on Pedometre,
    ship at least 10,000 items, catch at least 10,000 fish, reach bottom of 1st
    Mine, then throw a gift into the Pond to trigger event
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: unlock all 9 channels of the Sprite
    4rd Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: have given her at least 500 Gifts

    Leia the Mermaid

    Birthday: 30 Summer
    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Large Fish
    Affection Point Gifts: Red MagicGrass, Medium Fish, Diamonds, Jewelry, Wild
    Grape, Bamboo Shoots, Mushrooms, Fruits, Vegetables, Eggs

    Leia is a Mermaid who washed ashore after a typhoon and was rescued by Daryl.
    She now lives in a bathtub in his basement but she worries about her Mother.
    You meet her only when you have befriended Daryl to the point of raising his
    FP to 100.

    Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

    For medium fish: You're giving me this? Thank you. I'm happy!! (+500 AP
    and +9 FP)

    For small fish: 'Wow, it's a nice item. Thank you!' +300AP and + 3FP

    For large fish; 'Oh, it's a big fish!! This is my favourite!! Thank you!
    (+900 AP and +9 FP)

    'It's beautiful!! There are things like this where humans live. Thank you!
    Freyr...' (+500 +9 FP) for choker
    'Thank you. I'll take good care of it,' for toiletries like lotion. (+300 AP
    and +3 FP)

    For medium fish: You're giving me this? Thank you. I'm happy!! (+500 AP
    and +9 FP)

    For small fish: 'Wow, it's a nice item. Thank you!' (+300 and +3 FP)

    For bird seed: 'Are you trying to upset me? Stop it already!'

    Leia the Mermaid's Heart Events

    You cannot meet Leia until you have attained more than 100 Friendship Points
    with Daryl. This will unlock the Basement where she resides. When Leia is at
    yellow heart level or higher, you will be able to catch the Bottled Message,
    provided your fishing rod is upgraded at least to Mystrile level. (Note that
    you CAN catch the Bottle with a Blessed or Mythic Rod but only if you charge
    it to Mystrile level and no higher.)

    When you have the Bottled Message, take it to Daryl's house and you will
    experience Leia's fourth and last heart event. The Bottle will be found to
    contain a message from Leia's mother, asking her to return home to the sea.
    Leia then will leave Daryl's basement and swim to her home in the ocean.

    That is not the end of the story, however. Leia will visit the shore at
    midnight every Tuesday night. If you enter the Beach at that time, you will
    be able to speak to her. If she is at 60,000 AP, you will be able to propose
    marriage to her and be accepted. The wedding will occur one week later in
    your own farmhouse.

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: Basement of Daryll's house when Daryl
    has more than 100 FP.
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: at Daryl's House. You cannot have
    anything equipped in your item (green) slot. (Can be rainy or sunny)
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: Daryl's Basement
    4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: Daryl's house, carrying Bottled

    The Witch Princess

    Birthday: 29 Winter
    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Rainbow Curry (+800 AP +9 FP)
    Affection Point Gifts: Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Gold Lumber, all
    Grasses, all Gems, all Ores, Fish Bone, Empty Can (+500 AP +9 FP)
    Detests: Boot (-800 AP - 9 FP)

    The Witch Princess lives in a little hut to the left of Romana's visit, in the
    Northwest corner of the Valley. She will be there at all times, unless you
    experience a special event with her elsewhere. Whenever you fulfill a
    requirement for marriage to her, she will give you a little gift of rubbish.
    Her gift is an item on your Shipping List, so even if you are not interested
    in courting her, you need to acquire at least one of her 'gifts' to complete
    your Shipping List.

    Show her your Cat for +1 FP.

    Recipe for Rainbow Curry:

    Blue Curry
    Green Curry
    Red Curry
    Yellow Curry
    Orange Curry
    Purple Curry
    Indigo Curry
    Curry Rice

    Cook in Pot.

    N.B. Each of the above individual Curries is made using Rice Ball, Curry
    Powder and the Grass of that specific colour.

    For Fishbone: 'You're thoughtful. Thank you. (+300 AP +3 FP)

    For Rainbow Curry: 'Wow! It's Rainbow Curry, isn't it!! Thank you.' (+800
    AP +9 FP)

    For Toadstool: 'I was just thinking how I wanted to have some. Way to go.'
    (+500 AP and +9 FP)

    If you give her jewelry, she will say: 'I have a choker of skulls so... maybe
    I'll experiment with it.' (-300 AP -3 FP)

    Her conversation:

    At yellow heart: Freyr, you look well. I enjoy seeing you and having your
    energetic presence here.
    At orange heart: Freyr, thank you for coming. If you die let me know. I'll
    bring you back to life with my tonic.
    At red heart: Freyr... Wel... welcome. Recently... I can't focus on my
    magic. I wonder why...

    The Witch Princess' Heart Events

    Basically these Events, apart from the 1st Heart Event, are a matter of
    meeting specific requirements, much like the requirements for marrying the
    Harvest Goddess, although in some cases, they involve mischief of the sort
    calculated to upset her rival, the Harvest Goddess.

    In terms of the 2nd Heart Event, it depends on your cartridge whether or not
    you can complete the requirement of killing 50 animals. There are different
    versions of the game, and one of them contains a glitch that will not allow
    the game to accept the requirement. If you find that you cannot marry the
    Witch Princess, you need a different version of the game.

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: Exit Romana's Mansion, 6.00 a.m. to
    12.00 a.m.
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: exit Sprite Company Tree, 6.00 a.m.
    to 12.00 a.m. Requirements: Must have littered at least 10 times, have
    killed 50 of your animals, brought a Poisonous Mushroom to the Harvest
    Festival 5 times, have attempted to leave the Valley 10 times, rescued HG and
    passed out from exhaustion 5 times. N.B. You do NOT lose any AP with
    eligible girls by donating a Toadstool to the Pot but the effect on FP is the
    same as if you did not attend the Festival at all. You actually will GAIN 5
    FP by attending the Festival and placing something good into the Pot.
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: Witch's Hut, 6.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m.
    must have given at least 1000 gifts
    4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: Witch's Hut, 6.00 a.m. to 12.00
    a.m., must have Elli Leaves Recipe, have nothing in your hands (green slot),
    have passed out from exhaustion 100 times.

    There are no official Rivals for the Witch Princess.

    Whenever you fulfill any requirement for marriage to the Witch Princess, you
    will receive a little gift of rubbish from her. You will see her face move
    quickly across your screen with the little 'ching' that characterises a
    Farming Degree point and she will make a speech and give you her gift. For
    example, when I gave her a total of 100 gifts, she said: 'Watch out! Here I
    am! The number of presents you gave me exceeds hundred! Congratulations! To
    commemorate this event I think that I'll give you a present! The item would
    have been of no use anyway. You probably would have thrown it away. See you

    N.B. It is possible to fulfil the 'littering' requirement even if you never
    litter if you incubate 10 eggs. Evidently, throwing the eggs into the
    incubator is enough like littering that it will prompt the Witch Princess to
    give her gift to you, telling you that you 'threw' ten items away. This is a
    better way of doing it than littering as incubating eggs will not decrease any
    one's FP.

    Keira the Sleeping Beauty

    Birthday: 26 Winter
    Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Golden Lumber (+800 AP +9 FP)
    Affection Point Gifts: Mythic Stone, all four Suns (+500 AP +9 FP)
    Favoured Items: Mystrile, Orichalc, Adamantite, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Cut

    Keira lives on the 255th floor of the Third Mine, but you will meet her for
    the first time on the 255th floor of the 2nd Mine when she gives you the
    Legendary Sword. Once you have the Legendary Sword, you never will find her
    again in the 2nd Mine. Instead, visit her on the 255th floor of the 3rd Mine,
    in her sleeping chamber. In order to gain access to the secret chamber on the
    255th floor of the 2nd or the 3rd Mines, you must defeat every Dark Creature
    on that floor by hand, without cheating and without falling through a hole.
    In other words, reloading your game will cause an interruption that will
    prevent the barrier ever from crumbling on that particular visit to the mine.
    Be very careful, therefore, when you reach the 255th floor, especially of the
    Third Mine. It is a good idea to save your game in the other slot at the
    254th floor, in case something untoward occurs, such as falling through a hole.

    Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

    Keiras Heart Events

    1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: reach 255th floor of the 3rd Mine
    (may ask for Curry Rice: bring Finest Curry or Ultimate Curry)
    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event: 255th floor of the 3rd Mine (may ask
    for a drink, bring Best Relax Tea)
    3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event: 255th floor of the Mine, bringing
    random jewel requested
    4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: 255th floor of 3rd mine, bringing
    Golden Lumber

    When you first meet Keira at the 255th floor of the Third Mine, where she
    sleeps in her bed, she may request 'Curry Rice.' If you bring her Curry Rice,
    the notice will say that 'Regular curry rice won't satisfy her.' When you
    bring 'Finest Curry Rice' or 'Ultimate Curry Rice' she will be satisfied.
    She then will tell you that she is happy and ask for gifts that she 'likes'.
    This is your cue to give her gems or Suns to raise her AP and FP in order to
    reach the level where she will request another specific item. If you can give
    her Golden Lumber every day, you will raise her heart level faster.


    To experience her second heart event after raising her heart to the required
    level, simply walk out of her sleeping chamber, then walk back into it
    immediately. This will trigger the event. She will request 'something to
    drink'. Bring the best recipe for Relax Tea when you visit her next and she
    will be satisfied. Continue to bring Golden Lumber or Suns each time you
    visit her until her heart reaches the next level.

    To experience her third heart event after raising her heart to the required
    level, simply walk out of the sleeping chamber, then return immediately. She
    will request a specific gem. Bring the precise gem requested rather than a
    more valuable one. She requested Topaz when I experienced the event. I
    brought a Topaz to her the next day and she was satisfied.

    Incidentally, when you give her the item she requests, her AP will increase by
    5000. This is a nice bonus. In fact, once you begin to visit Keira, you will
    be able to raise her heart level very quickly simply by bringing the item
    requested in each event, then by giving Golden Lumber each day.

    When she has reached 40000, you will experience her fourth and final heart
    event. Simply walk back into the chamber as before to trigger it, once the
    required AP has been reached. She will request Golden Lumber. If you have
    been giving it to her on a daily or regular basis, simply give her another
    piece of Golden Lumber to raise her AP by 5000 points immediately. Now you
    simply need to give her items until her AP reaches 60000 if you wish to marry
    her. As with proposals to other girls, if Keira accepts your Blue Feather,
    the wedding will occur a week later.

    For Golden Lumber: '....................................... (musical note x3)
    She looks really happy...' (+800 AP +9 FP

    For any of the Suns, she says '.................................(music note)
    (music note)
    She looks quite happy.' (+500 AP +9 FP)

    For mystrile, orichalc, adamantite:
    .............................. (music note)
    She looks happy. (+300 AP +3 FP)

    For Rainbow Curry: 'She looks uncertain.' (+100 AP +1 FP)

    for silver: ..........................!!
    Looks like she hates it a lot. (-300 AP - 3 FP)

    At black heart level, Keira will say: 'What do you want?'

    At purple heart level, Keira will say: 'I'm sleepy.'

    At blue heart level, Keira will say: 'I can only recall my name.'

    At orange heart level, Keira will say: 'I'd like to see your world.'

    At red heart level, Keira will say: 'You're a cutie... (heart)'
  3. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    thanks for the answer now i just need the ar code xD
  4. wld_tiger

    wld_tiger Member

    hey deank 27 now i also have the ar codes of harvest moon ds v1.1

    Infinite/max gold
    023d6b04 3b9aca00

    1 billion killed of dark animals
    c0000000 0000000a
    023ddf40 3b9aca00
    dc000000 00000004
    d2000000 00000000

    Stamina 255/255 Fatigue 0/100
    023d6b00 00ffff00

    Watering Can always full (255)
    223ddf16 000000ff

    Infinite Time Milking
    123b5ae4 0000fff1

    All 4 mines unlocked
    023ddf3c 0000ff00

    All animals: best of everything, born
    (press select)
    94000130 fffb0000
    c0000000 0000001c
    223dc9a3 0000007f
    223dc9a7 000000ff
    023dc9a8 00ffffff
    dc000000 00000018
    d2000000 00000000

    Stamina 200/200
    (Gives 200 stamina in the 4:44AM game)
    023d33bc 000000c8

    1 Billion Unearthed Soil
    023ddf6c 3b9aca00

    1 Billion Broken Stones
    023ddf68 3b9aca00

    First Mine: lv 10, Second Mine: Lv 255, Third Mine: Lv 999, Fourth Mine: Lv 65535
    (in your mine log)
    023ddf70 00ff000a
    023ddf74 ffff03e7

    Max Friendship with Everyone
    c0000000 00000025
    023dbd58 0000ffff
    dc000000 00000028
    d2000000 00000000

    Advance time (R+up)
    94000130 000002bf
    d3000000 023d6af8
    d9000000 00000000
    d4000000 00000020
    d6000000 00000000
    d2000000 00000000

    Rewind time (R+Down)
    94000130 0000027f
    d3000000 023d6af8
    d9000000 00000000
    d4000000 ffffffdf
    d6000000 00000000
    d2000000 00000000

    Max/infinite casino medals
    023d6b08 05f5e100

    First 51 fish caught (Press R)
    94000130 feff0000
    c0000000 00000032
    023ddfa8 3b9aca00
    dc000000 00000004
    d2000000 00000000

    999 Lumber/Stone/Golden Lumber/Hay/Feed
    023d83c8 03e703e7
    023d83cc 03e703e7
    123d83d0 000003e7

    Unlock second hot spring
    for the spring, hop in the first, then hop out.
    94000130 fffb0000
    223de2c4 00000064
    d2000000 00000000

    All cards
    Press Select+ Start
    94000130 000003f3
    c0000000 0000005e
    023ddc38 ffffffff
    dc000000 00000004
    d2000000 00000000
  5. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    thanks but i need the AR code for 60 sprite xD