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Harvest Moon DS: Sunshine Islands

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by robolink, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    Going to be released within the next 2 or 3 days. Its going to have better controls, they are not going to mess that up again ^^. Been craving a decent HM game for a while now.
  2. wanstar

    wanstar New Member

  3. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    I can't wait for this Harvest Moon ! They delayed the game since 2 or 3 months ago ! So I can't waittt
  4. pinkypatwik143

    pinkypatwik143 Well-Known Member

    yeah i only liked the island of happiness,cuz the other ones looked weird. hope its like island of happiness
  5. 1771234

    1771234 Member

    i hope this doesnt use the crappy touch screen. i gave up like 2 minutes of trying to play the other one because it used the ds's crappy touch screen. touch screen ruins games imo
  6. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Touch screen don't ruin games but I'll agree Island of Happiness had bad controls.
    Rune Factory 2's touch screen controls were good.
  7. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    They fixed the controls, its not touch screen anymore from what Ive heard.
  8. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    They said they will release today?? but..yeah..all we can do just wait :D
    Once again, I can't waiittt
  9. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    I dont wanna wait but its not like i gotta choice xD, probably be up by tonight. Gonna go take a nap and hope its uploaded by the time i get home from work ^-^. Try not to kill your finger with the refresh button! *pets it for you*
  10. 1771234

    1771234 Member

    idk i dont really like the touch screen much same with using the wiimote. i just like to chill and play games and use as less movement as possible while playing them lol but i hope this game is good. im also looking forward to phantasy star zero which will be bad ass
  11. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    Im looking forward to Phantasy star zero as well, and yeah i feel the same way about motion control. only game i was happy to use it in was zelda-twilight princess.
  12. conder

    conder Active Member

    I didn't like the touch screen controls much on Island Of Happines. I played it for a few days then switched off. Been tempted to play it today though while waiting for Sunshine Islands haha.

    My poor F5 key... lol
  13. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Yeah the touch screeen at Island of Happiness really screwed up, hope this won't, and I'm waiting for Rune Factory 3 too ::)
  14. pinkypatwik143

    pinkypatwik143 Well-Known Member

    was it supossed to be dumped out today?
  15. conder

    conder Active Member

    Think so. I've been sat here pateintly refreshing every now and then since ysterday morning lol

    Hope it comes soon.
  16. H_Delta101

    H_Delta101 Well-Known Member

  17. The wait, she kills me o_o

    Although the game looks promising, very very promising, I dunno if it's possible to fix everything wrong with IoH
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No. It may have been shipped today, or released in stores today, but there is never a date by which a game gets dumped.
  19. Well it's out in stores as of yesterday, I saw a friend playing it. So it is just a matter when it gets dumped at this point :/
  20. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    This is actually the first time whoever provides the roms was actually slow in the past year or so ive been here so im rather surprised i guess. Anyhow phantasy star zero just came out so im hoping this one does within the next 10 hours at-least. Keep this page growing so they don't forget >.>