Re: Hardest Megaman game people always forget to put an others section what if someone wanted to put megaman soccer
Re: Hardest Megaman game You forgot the ENTIRE 8-game Megaman X series but remembered the pseudo-sequel to megaman 8...odd. Anyway, I'll go with Zero because those bosses are damn near impossible in the first game without cheating. Not to disrespect the rest, though. My favorites have always been the X series, but the dash keeps them from being unfairly hard.
Re: Hardest Megaman game I now, the Megaman zero series are really hard. When I first played a MMZ game, it was hard as crap for me ! But, how longer you play it, it will be easier. I play it now two years and I enjoy playing it !
Re: Hardest Megaman game Megaman X is a fairly easy series. Only let down is that the dash is a bit "heavy" on the first 3 games. But after 4 and beyond the series got easier (when you knew what you were doing). Some times it was a bit hard though. Same goes for Battle network and Star Force. Unless the game screw you at Battle network 4.5 or Chip Challenge, these games are easy. Legends isn't that hard either. They could seriously remove the rapid fire bug and those stupid broken secret weapons. Megaman Zero and ZX is a fun series to play. Zero mainly is HARD, but because the game sometimes is really cheap. So in the end you have tons of stupid deaths. Not forgetting that boss fights are quick as hell, since diferentt from X or Classic, both you and the bosses trade tons of damages. You can literally kill any boss with 4~5 full triple combos or even less, but they kill you in 2~4 hits as well. From the classic series: 7, 8 and the Bass&Forte stuff are kinda easy. The first games are more like Zero series, a lot of cheap deaths and platforms. Surely the hardest Megaman games are the first ones.
Re: Hardest Megaman game Megaman isn't hard at all. And I don't get why people often are saying that mmz1 bosses are almost impossible (it's even moar easy if you decide to make use of the cyber elfs). The side scrollers have always been about remembering the bosses pattern. As for the other megamans...they aren't actually hard since you often have some kind of rpg elements to make your character stronger~
Re: Hardest Megaman game Now honestly, if you included Mega Man hacks, like Rockman DEM, you'd find the difficulty skyrocket. Check them out for proof. (Rockman No Constancy) (Rockman DEM)
Re: Hardest Megaman game Megaman Zero is cakewalk compared to MMZ2 and 4(if you choose not to abuse cyber elfs). MMZ2 was the hardest for me...not only are there a lot of instant deaths pits/spikes, the bosses are also the hardest in the series for me. I've never played too much of MMX though I have played MM 1, 2 and 3. 2 was fairly easy though. MMZX is hard...cause you usually don't know where to go next <_< The battle network series...aren't too hard and same goes for the star force series.
Re: Hardest Megaman game But you shouldn't include hacks, because they always can be harder or easier than the original.
Re: Hardest Megaman game For the peaple who cannot find ther game, I will make an other poll('s) so that the can post ther game !
For me, it is definitely the Megaman Zero series. I found the 4th one the hardest (I didn't use cyber elves much )
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