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Halo Wars is going to be an RTS?!

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by cjdogger, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    halo already sucks.
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    That's your opinion.
  4. dcbaeces

    dcbaeces Member

    cjdogger it's also your opinion that RTS sucks just because it's not a RPG or FPS. Plus Halo Wars was announced as a RTS when they first announced the game about six or seven months ago.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I haven't got a problem with games that aren't shooters or RPG's
    It's the RTS genre, it's not quite an RPG or a Shooter but has some aspects from them, and yes, my opinion is that RTS's suck but this topic isn't about people's opinions on Halo
  6. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

  7. baldjared

    baldjared Well-Known Member

    I personally don't like Halo at all but regardless of that what's the problem you don't like RTS' skip Halo Wars and stick to Halo 3, it's not like they're killing the FPS Halo franchise, moreover they aren't even using Bungie resources to make Halo Wars it's Ensemble Studios making it and they make nothing but RTS'.

    Your argument against RTS' sounds more like it comes from a lack of actual time spent playing them because there are a lot that don't really have any RPG or shooter aspects, unless you'll count something as mundane as leveling up an RPG aspect or having an archer as an aspect of a shooter, but I won't argue about it you're free to have that opinion and more then likely if you don't like them now spending more time on them won't sway you.
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Thanks baldjared, your post is the most unbiased and useful post in this topic, thanks for the info too :)
  9. baldjared

    baldjared Well-Known Member

    I try, enjoy your Halo 3 when it comes out :)
  10. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I thought everybody knew that...
    The genre is normally the first thing you find out about a game after the name....

  11. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Personally, i think the game play of halo is brilliant and challenging, but i'm with loony on this one. Halo sucks. Multiplayer is so boring and annoying and is the down turn of the game. It takes more cred of the game than single player adds on. I'd like to see micro$oft make a change to their games
  12. err

    err Well-Known Member

    Halo is a pretty good FPS. But it's also overrated too much. And all the Halo's pretty much are the same thing but with new graphics and a few new weapons here and there. I don't have nothing against but it does get boring after 3 games. I really don't care about Halo Wars at this point.
  13. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member


    And how have you only heard halo wars was a RTS now? im pretty sure I heard about it at last years (maybe even the year befores) E3. Pretty old news.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    E3? I'm not that much of a game addict to watch/listen to people saying "this console is better", "So and so is revolutionising this game", blah blah blah...
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    My friend is so gonna get this. Although Halo should be just a shooter.
  16. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    don't worry cj i heard that bungie is making another FPS halo, but it will be composed of a new story so it won't be the same-old master chief
  17. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    You mean Halo 3: Recon, right?
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Is there any point in this topic anymore? I don't think so...
  19. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    yea i think so. i dunno if that's the name though
  20. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    oh wait. just checked it up and yea its halo 3 recon