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Halo-101,No longer will make sites

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Halo-101, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Halo-101

    Halo-101 Well-Known Member

    hey guys halo-101 here i am probbably no longer going to be making websites as weebly has just shut down my site again and i do not wish to redo everything so i will still be in the scene and make fix posts and how to install firmware posts but yer i wont make any new sites if you want me to send you the link to the fimware set up guides or anything email me @ [email protected]. kk Halo-101 rretiring from the site community ,unless any one nos a new site host for free that wont cancel my site with the firmwares etc. but probbably not so see ya guys.Halo-101 Out. p.s does anyone know how to contact seph? i was going to ask for a topic section called
    Halo-101's section like this section is technical help.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd like to know myself.

    You been here for some time but I haven't really noticed you...

    (For a moment I thought it was rock91 saying this-I would have been thankful :( )
  4. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: Halo-101; No longer will make sites

    The free sites are NOT your friends, or ANYONE's for that matter. Big Business controls EVERYTHING, that's why most sites die.

    *Boring story time*
    A handful of us members used to be with Nds-Roms, but after Big N decided we were a threat, they sent their lapdogs at the server host(basically ripped the site up from the root). We left a couple of weeks after the dust had settled, and the 'owner' disappeared off the face of the earth, and we came to RomU. nds-roms could have been good, but the fact that 2 people operated it(that faceless owner and that poor, gullible rom DL server maintainer/site coder), there was one other, but he has no faults, for he only uploaded the roms he could get a hold of. Left a lot of people behind when we moved from IRC servers, but some of them seem to have found their way back to us, and RomU seems to have welcomed us with open arms; so it's not all bad, I guess.
    *Boring story time is over*

    RomU owns it's servers, whereas nds-roms leased them, hence why RomU is still going strong, and dominates the ROM Backup hosting scene.
    Go for it, and as long as you maintain it, RomU should allow it.
    As for getting a hold of Seph, the chances of that are like him being on 'vacation' and ignoring everyone.
    That, or like trying to catch a greased pig with a rock tied to both hands. XD
  5. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I had a talk with boblen shortly after NDS-Roms died, and he said something to the effect of simply not wanting to bother with the site anymore, rather than getting C&D'd. For that matter, boblen was the server guy, not nipper. Hell, if nipper managed the servers, we'd still be up in all our dubious glory.

    Also, I'm pretty sure RomU leases its servers, too.
    You don't need a section of your own. Everything you have to contribute already has designated areas to contribute it in.
  6. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Ask Seph when he decides to come back to life.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I thought romU ownded the servers-or at least have someone who owns them running with romU and thus discounts...that said I'm mearly guessing, only romU can tell us who owns what.
    Or loonylion, he'd know.
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    If you're going to use free servers to make a website, make sure you read the Terms of Service before creating it.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes we do lease our servers but we know the guy we lease them from very well and he's an awesome host, not to mention being a member here as well.

    to the OP: your entire problem is you are using free hosts. They are not reliable, they're liable to take your site down at any time for no reason at all, the servers could be absolute shit, they could be epically oversold, you have no way of knowing. I know a company that do really cheap servers, but that comes at a cost. They have no backup power, so if they have an outage you go offline, their datacentres are a horrible mess (some servers are bare motherboards sitting in cardboard boxes, others are held together with duck tape) and a massive fire risk, and they have only one transit provider so if theres issues there you're offline as well. I only know this because of connections in the hosting industry, it is not something they will tell their customers for obvious reasons. Now they charge for their services, so imagine how much worse a company that doesnt charge will be.

    moral of the story: use free hosts if you want, but you really cant complain if your site performs badly, repeatedly gets deleted or spends long periods of time offline.
  10. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    From reading his previous posts I'd have to infer that he was breaking the terms of service and that's why the site was shut down.
  11. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    well i think it be a good idea that halo 101 get a topic for his updates. (thanks for the ysmenu update love playing sonic) that way when in technical help it is not lost in the millons of post made
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its entirely possible but if you read the tos for most free hosts it says they dont actually need a reason to take your site down or delete it. This is especially true of so-called 'unlimited everything' hosts
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Considering that he was hosting firmware other people had made and suchlike, as well as linking to Romulation in his "Download" pages, I'm not surprised AT ALL.

    If it's important in Technical Help, it will naturally stay at the top.