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Hair straighteners

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by emmkayye, Dec 27, 2009.


Which brand of hair straightener is best?

  1. Remington

    0 vote(s)
  2. GHD

    0 vote(s)
  3. VS Sasson

    0 vote(s)
  4. Other (please state in comments)

    0 vote(s)
  1. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    I want to buy a hair straightener but i dont know which one to get.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    My sister bitches about how great GHD is.
  3. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    You better be female...
    I've been told that GHD are a good make.
  4. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    i am female...
  5. loveshermusic

    loveshermusic Well-Known Member

    I have a remington but i have heard that GHD is supposed to be best in the world i think....
  6. EmmaGebz

    EmmaGebz Well-Known Member

    I have used GHD a few times and they're definitely worth it for the money, I'd suggest that :D
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I'm still living in the old times...I always thought remington was the best?

    I can't vote...no experience with these obviously :(
  8. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    GHD sounds the best. Its built well :)
  9. GHD's are good, but I think that Remington's are fine for everyday use.
  10. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    Thx guys. I guess i'll get the GHD.
  11. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Yes, you should get that one.

    Both my GF, and sister use that one too..

    I think..
  12. mini_biscuit

    mini_biscuit Member

    The ghds are about £100 plus i think. Depends if you are a newbie to them, you may want to start off with some bought for about £30 just so you can get used to them and see if you like them. Dont forget you need some type of thermal product from the chemsit or shop to stop the heat making your hair all dry :)

    i dont have a hair dryer or straightener, i let mine dry naturally and yeh it is kinda fly away :p

    Not sure i could cope with the noise of a hair dryer, loud noises get on my nerves :D


    Also if the ghds brake, you can take them to ghd and they fix them for free i think :)
  13. bunnybag

    bunnybag Well-Known Member

    I say go for GHD.

    I made the mistake of getting some crappy cheap ones for around £30 or so. My hair got caught on it easily and would sometimes snap, wasn't really hot and had to go over parts which is bad for your hair. I used hair protector which ended up sticking to the hair straighteners and I had to scrape it off. They broke as well.

    GO FOR GHD!!! I've had no problems and I've had it for more than 3 years now. Hardly needs cleaning, doesn't break your hair and you can use it to curl your hair.
  14. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    Thx guys. Coz right ow i have a remington one and it doesnt straighten my hair. Im not sure whether i did something wrong or if its the straightener
  15. nightfox

    nightfox New Member

    My gf is always talking about a Chi? isnt that a hair straightener? well she loves it lol.
  16. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    hair straightener questions on romulations.... mmm interesting...
  17. bunnybag

    bunnybag Well-Known Member

    I don't think you can go wrong with how to straighten your hair. Sounds like the hair straightener you had wasn't that good. Could be because it doesn't get hot enough.
  18. ndsrom-peach

    ndsrom-peach Well-Known Member

    :p whats hair straightener?
  19. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    A chi? Never heard of it but ill keep an eye out thx
  20. angelic_kratos

    angelic_kratos Active Member

    I have massive trouble buying straighteners beacuse my natural hair is like a loose afro lol. Used to use Remington all the time because they were the only ones that worked on my hair (never tried GHD's though) but the last couple of Remington ones I bought were crap for my hair :p Anyway, my mum grabbed these offline (maybe not this site) and they work an absolute dream for me. Great especially for the price if you cant afford getting GHD's


    Unfortunately no heat control though, only one temperature.