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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Miyu, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    R a w r . : D

    An extremely late introduction topic, and I'm ashamed to say that I never knew there was a forum until now... and yes, I know I failed. Hopefully, it's not too late to say hello, though, so onwards I'll go~ Sorry if my way of typing appears to be childish as well; I'm trying my best not to abuse emoticons as much on this forum, as everyone seems to be very mature. >__<.

    So I'd like to say hello. c: . I've been a member of RomUlation since September 22, 2007, as my profile states. I don't actually have the date engraved in my head, as I'm quite the forgetful person. I must also admit that this site has helped me tons with roms, and I'd like to take the time and say that I really appreciate it. I'd also like to thank to my brother for showing it to me. As you all could deduct by my avatar and signature, I'm happily and proudly female.

    Like many on this site, I absolutely adore to game. Particularly, I enjoy role playing games. As of current, I'm addicted to Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. I also love the Fire Emblem series as well. I'm a humongous Nintendo fan, spending most of my gaming time on my DS. Other genres I play also include strategy, puzzle, and logic. I try to stay open minded to all games, and love the occasional recommendation. But please, no Imagine games, aha.

    Besides gaming, I like to watch movies with friends, and usually, they're cartoons. Yes, I'm pretty much still a kid. <: . I do like action sometimes as well... but two movies that I'd like to say I dislike are High School Musical, and Twilight, along with their other sequels and such. Sorry if I offend anyone in anyway. o__<.

    As well on my spare time, I like to play around with Photoshop and create graphics. Though I may not be that great at the current moment, I always try and strive to be better. I've looked into the graphics section a bit before posting my introduction as well, and I hope I'll be able to improve and be just as awesome as some of the great people over there~

    Adding to this, I also read books fairly often. Fantasy, action, and adventure are usually types that I look for most, but just like with games, I try to be open minded. When I'm at the mall, I generally tend to wander over to the bookstore. A very proud bookworm I am~

    By this point, I think I've been rambling far too much. xD. Sorry if my introduction is longer than average and boring, but I hope to be able to meet some of you sometime in the future~ I'll try my best to be active, heh.
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    You've been a member since September 2007??
    Don't worry,I'm also become a member in this forum on that year too.
    And I've just getting active in the forum 2 months ago..haha..

    Welcome to romUlation!!
    Enjoy yer time Here!!

    Another female join the community..*thumbs up!!*
  3. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    welcome to romU! wait...you didn't know there was a forum? so you didn't check the latest forum posts?
    Oh well, it's human, right?
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation. The old-old design didn't actually have a Forum button at the time.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Half of us never gave a damn about the forum until G-Masters died and we started hanging out here, either.

    @Miyu: The fact that you dislike Twilight is a definite plus.
  6. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    I think
    You're one of the most awesome people here ;D
    Welcome to RomU, may your time here be as fun-filled as mine :)
  7. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Romulation...
  8. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Hello and welcome to Romulation ;)
  9. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member


    Welcome and Enjoy the Site!!!
  10. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Welcome aboard!:)
  11. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomU Miyu have fun in the forums.
  12. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    Well, that's what my profile says, haha. It sure doesn't feel like I've been here for two years. xD;
    Awesome, I guess we're about in the same boat then. :) .
    ... Are female's scarce on here or something? o_o'

    Ye. I never really noticed the forum until the new layout change. I figured it might be nice to meet the community, seeing as I was leeching for two years already. o___<.
  13. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Yep.as you can see only male are greeting you right now... :)
  14. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] to Romulation Miyu-chan~[​IMG]

    [​IMG]Have Fun and Enjoy your Stay here ^^[​IMG]
    Don't forget to read the rules here ~[​IMG]

    hey, i'm here
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hai Miyu ^_^
    You sound pretty cool and balanced. Too say you're new to the forum you aren't an absolute nubcake ^.^

    So yeah, you're awesome compared to most people in this forum
  16. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    As you may of noticed... female intro threads are popular... I refuse to be a part of the charade...

  17. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Agree, especially Meganova always be the most excited person in those threads :p
  18. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    I wonder why :D
  19. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    Haha, awesome to see another Female~ <: . Hamtaro was such a big part of my childhood, haha. It was so cute<3. Nice to meet you too, koyuchan.

    Lmao. I can't see how you could say that, since you only know me from a post or two. But thanks. o: .

    Eep. >__<. I'm sorry. I'll try not to waste any of the kind hellos I'm getting by being semi-active to active... Hello to you too. <: .
  20. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Because I'm a nice guy. :p
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