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Gyakuten Kenji 2

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Avarikqa, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Umm, i downloaded this game called Gyakuten Kenji 2, but it doesn't work on my DS at all. What should i do now? Everytime i try loading the game, i get a white screen. Oh, and i'm using a R4DS emulator.
  2. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    There are many different types of R4. What exactly does it say on the label of your R4? And do you know what firmware you are currently using on it?
    BTW, just so you know, it's not an emulator, it's a flashcart. An emulator is a program on your PC to let you play games that aren't for the PC (for example DS games, PS1 games etc).
  3. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Umm, it says R4; Revolution for DS (NDSL/NDS) on the card. And i don't know what a firmware is, sorry. :(

    If it helps, i downloaded my program from this website http://www.r4ds.me/
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Are you sure your cart only have that writing ? Does not have any "i" , "SDHC", "Upgrade", "Gold", "3DS" on it?
    Cause if there isn't any, and as long as your cart only able to run 1Gb or 2Gb SD Micro but cannot run SDHC Micro. That would mean your cart is an R4 Original. If it run SDHC Micro (4Gb or higher) then its not an R4 Original.

    If its an R4 Original you got 2 options of using secondary firmware.
    1. Wood R4 Original : Download the firmware from here : http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=25139 and the bootloader from : http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=25145

    2. YSMENU : Download from here --> http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0 and use the folder marked as DSTT_DSTTiYSMENU

    If you choose to use Wood R4;
    1. download the firmware, move the _DS_MENU.DAT that you see in the downloaded firmware and place it in the _rpg folder
    2. Send the Wood R4.nds and the _rpg folder to your SD Micro.
    3. Run the Wood R4.NDS from your console and run the game you want to play

    Note: Back up all your files before you do the above. And make sure you do not disturb your R4's Original _DS_MENU.DAT. That's why the wood's _DS_MENU.DAT should be place in the _rpg folder.

    2. If you choose YSMENU, copy the folder mentioned above and run the YSMENU.NDS from your console and run the game you want to play.

    Note Source Info for Wood : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39701.0
    for YSMENU : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0
    Any issue related to the above, ask in the appropriate thread. If your cart run SDHC Micro, then use YSMENU instead and choose to use the content of the folder marked as R4 SDHC_R4iSDHC.
    Remember to backup before making any changes to the content of your SD Card.
  5. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Oh, is there any other way of playing the game without doing all these downloads? And yeah, i think my cart is an R4 original because it doesn't have any other writing and it can only run on 1 GB SD Micro.
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    R4 Original's v.1.18 kernel is already very old. See the link you posted. See the date it was last updated; 2008. So now you need Wood or YSMENU as a secondary firmware to help you to run the new games, otherwise it will not run/load. Its up to you, but if you do want to try it. Make sure to make back up before you start. So that in the case you make mistake, you still able to restore to your original files.

    The easiest is to use Wood R4.
  7. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Oh, ok then, thanks anyway :(
  8. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    This was what I was gonna suggest too.
  9. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Oh, so that's the only option left? :/

    If i were to use the Wood, what do i do with the bootloader then?
  10. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's really not very complicated. Just follow prectorian's instructions. I just hope you can speak japanese, otherwise you'll have real trouble playing that game.
  11. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    If i were to use the Wood R4 Original, what do i do with the bootloader then?

    Also, could you perhaps try that game out and see if it works out for you? That way, i'll know that the source isn't the problem and it's my flashcard which is the problem/
  12. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I know the rom I got worked fine on my original R4, and I was using Wood. Why are you so reluctant to just try switching a few files around? It should take less than 10 mins (probably less than 5).
    If you back up (make a copy of) all the files on your microSD onto your PC, then you'll be fine.
    As for the bootloader, do nothing with it. Just follow the intructions above.
  13. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Sorry, but i tend to be very cautious when dealing with technology. I've had a few "unlucky" experiences with it, so yeah. :/ So i just download the firmware and don't download the bootloader at all?
    Post Merge: [time]1307026356[/time]
    Umm, i downloaded the firmware and i see the _rpg folder but i don't see the Wood R4.nds. Where do i find it?
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    Oh, and why is it that i have to back up the files? 0.0
  14. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I did a stupid. You do download the bootloader. It is the WoodR4.nds file.
    The backup is just in case something goes wrong. Nothing should go wrong, but just in case it does, you can always delete everything from your MicroSD, and just restore it to how it was before you started messing around.
    So you download Wood R4, copy the _rpg folder onto your microSD card. There is also a _DS_MENU.DAT file in the download. Put that in the _rpg folder on your microSD card. Then download the bootloader (the WoodR4.nds file). Put that on your microSD. Then start up your DS, run the WoodR4.nds file then choose the game you want to play.
  15. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Ah, i see. Will it affect my other games at all? Or the cheats?
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    Oh, and btw, i don't know if this is the right place to ask, but where can i find a link to download the game?
  16. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    You can carry on playing all your other games and using all your cheats normally, how you always do.
    As for the download, I thought you already had the game? Oh well, search here: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?board=55.0
  17. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Yeah, i tried that, but all it did was give me a patched version. :/ Could you perhaps assist me by directing linking me to the source? :)
    Post Merge: [time]1307029335[/time]
    Oh, and umm, when i went to a Wood R4 Original Flashkart thread, it gave me different instructions. http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39701.0 So how do i know which one's right?
  18. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    There you go.
    The instructions there show you how to completely replace your current firmware with Wood R4, but what we told you to do was make it so you can stay with your old firmware and only use Wood when you needed it. So only load up the WoodR4.nds when you want to play a game that won't work.
  19. Avarikqa

    Avarikqa Active Member

    Ok than, thanks so much! You've been a great help :)