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[ Guild Wars Vs WoW Vs FF Online Witch is better rate 1 -5

Discussion in 'PC' started by Welkin, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Welkin

    Welkin New Member

    So i just wanna know what people think about Guild Wars WoW and FF Online Witch is better because i have played Guild Wars for while but i wanna play FF so i wanna know if u all can rate out of 3 1-5 rate ! ! !
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Wrong section.

    Also, Guild Wars is sweet.
  3. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    1 being shit? and 5 being the shit?

    WoW = 5. loved it.

    FFXI = 3. i played it for the 30 days allotted for free and didn't care for it. most ppl on the server @ that time spoke japanese (has this changed?) and couldn't find a group to get anything done and this game is HIGHLY group orientated.

    Guild Wars (original) = 1.5. even for it being free the lag fest it sponsored was annoying. i hated going back to town cuz of this. i heard the expansions were better, but the game itself felt isolated and the environments felt cold and dead. not much "life" outside the town. i still have my game and i may try it once again seeing how it's free, but i've tried it twice and both times it's never kept my attention.